7 Best Hawaiian Tattoos to Try this Season

Hawaiian Tattoos– If you are looking for a nature-inspired tattoo then Hawaii inspired tattoo works best. Their designs are perfect to show your inner self or personality Back in the old days almost every Hawaiian used to have tattoos in bold geometric patterns showcasing their status in society. Listed below are some of the best Hawaiian tattoos that you can look at and take inspiration for your next tattoo ideas. 

Best Hawaiian Tattoos

1. Ancient Hawaiian Tattoo

Hawaiian Tattoos

If you are looking for an ancient Hawaiian then do note that they come in bold black and white designs. Like this one, it features geometric patterns including swirls and triangles.

2. Hawaiian Hibiscus Tattoo

Best Hawaiian Tattoos

Many do not know that Hibiscus is the regional flower of Hawaii. This design is mostly opted for by women as it denotes femininity, A perfect place to get a such tattoo is the chest, shoulder or leg. 

3. Hawaiian Tribal Tattoos

Top Hawaiian Tattoos for Men

Most of the Hawaiian tribal designs consist of a lot of intricate details and a swirly pattern. This is quite opposite of many bold pattern-infused traditional tattoos. 

4. Floral

Hawaiian Floral Tattoo

A perfect floral piece showcases your Hawaii roots. If you want you can add other elements to it such as a hibiscus flower tattoo. 

5. Small Hawaiian Tattoo

Hawaiian Tattoo Ideas

If you don’t like big ones then you can go for smaller ones. Like this one mentioned above, small creative details. Try getting in small spots like hands, neck or ankles. 

6. Hawaiian Sleeve Tattoo

Hawaiian Sleeve Tattoo

Well, women too are going for a sleeve tattoo. Unlike modern art, this one will get you all the attention you deserve. Please note that the sleeve tattoo should be clean and infused with small designs. 

7. The Hula Dancer Tattoo

The Hula Dancer Tattoo

Hula dance is one of the most famous Polynesian folk dances and is quite popular among Hawaiians. What better way to show your Hawaii roots, then a colourful hula dance-inspired tattoo? 

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