
World Fisheries day 2021 Quotes, Poster, Images, Messages, and Slogans to create awareness

World Fisheries Day is celebrated every year on 21 November by the fishing communities around the world. It is celebrated to highlight the importance of healthy ocean ecosystems and ensuring sustainable reserves of fisheries in the world. The fifth World Fisheries Day is being celebrated in the year 2021. The aim of World Fisheries Day is to highlight and maintain the importance of water and life in and out of the water, which is essential for human life. Water forms a continuum, whether it is present in rivers, lakes, or oceans. Fishing communities around the world celebrate this day to highlight the importance of world fishing through rallies, workshops, public meetings, cultural events, plays, exhibitions, music shows, and performances. Fishing plays an important role in contributing to the food security of the country. It is an important sector which provides employment to lakhs of people. India has over 8,000 km of coastline, an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of over 2 million km, and extensive freshwater resources.

Hey, do you want to create awareness among your friend, or relative circle on this World Fisheries day? And for that, you’re exploring google but didn’t find any Quotes, Posters, Images, Messages, and Slogans yet. Then don’t worry, here we are with some of the best Awarding World Fisheries day 2021 Quotes, Poster, Images, Messages, and Slogans to create awareness. We are sure, you will definitely like our collection of Best Quotes, Poster, Images, Messages, and Slogans of World Fisheries Day, which we have mentioned here for you. You can save your favorite Quotes, Poster, Images, Messages, and Slogans from these on your Smartphone. And can send to anyone you want to aware.

World Fisheries day 2021 Quotes, Poster, Images, Messages, and Slogans to create awareness

_Fisheries are the primary source of our dinner and yet they are so underdeveloped while our dining table looks always grand. Happy world fisheries day

World Fisheries Day

_The stocks of the most delicious dishes are decreasing due to excess fishing. Take steps, save your hunger for later and let the fishes grow. Be responsible on this world fisheries day

_Aquatic ecosystem is running out of balance; keep it in the game for long. Practice sustainability on this world fisheries day

World Fisheries Day

_Can you Imagine a dinner table without fish? Never? Let us take an oath to help the fisheries develop their potencies on this world fisheries day

_Unless we deliver what the fisheries need, they can never return back to us what we need from them. Let us spread the word on this world fisheries day

_Millions of people depend on the small scale fisheries, one little step each can aid a lot and help make every fishery better. Come forward with your support on the world fisheries day

_Educating every fisherman of the various ways of fishing will help reduce the harm done to the aquatic ecosystem. Let us start on the world fisheries day

World Fisheries Day 2021 Quotes

_We never estimate the value of aquatic creatures unless they are served. On this world fisheries day, let us take an oath to value them for all other aspects and not just for meals

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