Athos Salomé aka the “Living Nostradamus”, who in 2012 forecasted COVID-19, has once again invaded the news headlines. His prophecy has become true in 2024 as the powerful “X-class” blast occured in the sun on 28 March 2024, SpaceWeather.com reported.
Who is Athos Salomé?
Athos Salomé, hailing from Brazil, is the famous and renowned ‘French seer Nostradamus.’ When Athos’s interest in astrology intensified, he started publishing almanacks.
Salomé published the 1st edition of The Prophecies or Les Prophéties and became popular worldwide. He also predicted various important global events that later took place.
Athos Salomé’s Predictions For 2024
Athos Salome, the Brazilian parapsychologist, prophesied accurately that “there would be a total solar eclipse, resulting in three days of darkness.”
Athos Salomé in an exclusive interview with the Daily Star, discussed, the outcomes of “the biggest solar storm since 2017.”
He added that the solar storm is predicted to occur next month. It would be a result of CME or coronal mass ejection.
According to NOAA (The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), CMEs are “massive plasma and magnetic field expulsions from the Sun’s corona.”
The consequences of this occurred on March 22. However, it reached us after some days.
Other Predictions for 2024
Upon the coronation of King Charles in 2023, the Brazilian parapsychologist announced that, “the countdown begins.”
Athos Salomé asserted that he visioned King’s cancer diagnosis in February after knowing about his condition. He said, “We will find out if he remains in power between 2024 and 2025.”
As per News18, the Brazilian parapsychologist also predicted that contact with extraterrestrial life is finally going to be established this year, in 2024.
Furthermore, Athos Salomé stated that humankind would communicate with extraterrestrial life by decoding the encrypted signals with the help of a network of telescopes.
The Brazilian parapsychologist claimed that the superpowers of the world would clash over an asteroid rich in minerals, which would later collide and crash onto Earth.
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Furthermore, he predicted that the current year, 2024, will be the “AI awakening” year. This would restrain human input to function, making technology self-aware, and creating language incomprehensible to humankind.