
Brazil recalls ambassador in Tel Aviv for consultations amid diplomatic crisis with Israel

The Brazilian government has called its ambassador in Tel Aviv, Frederico Meyer, back to the country for consultations after President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva voiced harsh criticism of Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, in response to the fact that Israel summoned the diplomat for statements, the Brazilian Foreign Ministry confirmed. The Ministry said on Monday in a statement that Foreign Affairs Minister Mauro Vieira also summoned Israel’s ambassador in Brazil, Daniel Zonshine, Xinhua news agency reported. The Israeli government declared Lula da Silva “persona non grata” on Monday.

Lula da Silva on Sunday accused Israel of committing “genocide” against Palestinian civilians living in the Gaza Strip. In January, Brazil joined South Africa in bringing a case of genocide against Israel at the International Court of Justice. Last week, during a tour of Africa, Lula da Silva announced Brazil will make new contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

The Brazilian government’s decision to recall its ambassador from Tel Aviv for consultations and to summon Israel’s ambassador to Brazil comes after President Lula da Silva’s criticism of Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip. Lula da Silva’s accusation of Israel committing “genocide” against Palestinian civilians has escalated tensions between Brazil and Israel. The Brazilian government’s support for Palestine and its decision to contribute to UNRWA further highlights the strained relations between the two countries. The recall of the ambassador and summoning of Israel’s ambassador demonstrate the seriousness of the situation and the government’s stance on the issue.

The Israeli government’s declaration of Lula da Silva as “persona non grata” and the tit-for-tat diplomatic action from both countries underscores the growing rift between Brazil and Israel. With Brazil joining South Africa in bringing a case of genocide against Israel at the International Court of Justice, the conflict between the two countries has taken a legal dimension. Lula da Silva’s announcement of new contributions to UNRWA further shows Brazil’s commitment to supporting Palestine.

The Brazilian government’s response to President Lula da Silva’s criticism of Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, and the subsequent diplomatic actions by both countries, reflects the escalating tensions and strained relations between Brazil and Israel. Lula da Silva’s strong stand in support of Palestine, including accusing Israel of “genocide” and announcing new contributions to UNRWA, has further entrenched the divide between the two nations. The recall of the ambassador and the declaration of “persona non grata” demonstrate the severity of the situation and the entrenched positions of both countries.


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