By the end of December 2022, Noida is projected to have 620 electric bikes at 62 docking stations

Noida will have 62 docking stations with 620 e-cycles by the end of December 2022. It will be accessible to people through a smart app and can be payable with digital currency. 

As per reports, Noida Authority has chosen two companies to offer e-cycles for their pilot run. In the first phase i.e pilot phase Ten cycles will be available for each program. Other companies add their own e-cycles based on assessments made initially. SP Singh, DGM, Noida traffic cell, said, The initiative will be carried out under the e-cycle recycling scheme, which is part of the Fit India project and Clean Noida.

People can use and order cycles from any station using the smart app and can deposit to any station after using it. During the Press conference, Singh told- Two firms-Planet Advertising Pvt Ltd and Turban Mobility LLP-would be handling the e-cycles and launching the new mobile application, which is currently in process.

Dicking stations will be established near metro stations, industrial zones as well as shopping centers. Locations such as the Noida Authority office in Sector 6, along with metro stations in Sectors 15, 16, and 18, and the Botanical Garden are a few of the locations mentioned.

As per the traffic department- E-cyles will help in reducing the traffic congestion in the city and pollution levels. The cycles will be operated on batteries and will not be having polluting fuels. The cycle will also be GPS enabled and has a capacity to travel 25km per hour. 

The Noida Authority will have the power to decide the prices of cycles. Although they will be nominal in order to make services accessible to everyone. It will be much more beneficial to factory workers and students who had to travel long distances according to the officials. The E-cycle services will be available from 7 am to 10 pm on a regular basis.

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