Could a Good Credit Score be the Key to Finding Love on Valentine’s Day 2024?

As the Valentine’s Day approaches, a new trend is gaining traction where potential suitors are requested to disclose their credit scores on dating apps to prove their financial credibility. While this may sound unusual, a high credit score is being seen as a sign of trustworthiness and financial responsibility among the millennials.

The trend is said to have started when a woman from Boston posted a screenshot of her impressive credit score on her dating profile, which later went viral on TikTok. This led to a surge in millennials sharing their credit scores on dating apps, with some apps like ‘Score’ even making it a mandatory requirement for users.

Although sharing credit scores on dating apps may seem extreme, it is believed to be a way to filter out potential partners based on their financial stability. For example, the ‘Score’ app only accepts users with a credit score above 675, adding a new layer of validation to the matchmaking process.

The rationale behind this trend is to ensure that potential suitors are financially stable and have a good track record of fulfilling their financial commitments. This trend may have gained momentum due to the rise of online scams and fraudulent activities on dating apps, prompting users to seek additional validation before engaging in romantic relationships.

While the emphasis on financial soundness may seem excessive, having a high credit score has become an additional criterion for evaluating potential partners. Whether this trend will continue to grow or fade away remains to be seen, but it has certainly added a new dimension to modern dating practices.

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