Ekka Electronics to invest Rs 1,000 crore in 3 years to set up a new facility in Noida
Noida– Ekka Electronics, Consumer Electronics Company stated they will invest around Rs 1,000 crore to build a factory in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. They will be entering manufacturing, making products like smartwatches, washing machines, TWS (true wireless stereo) and wearables and TWS (true wireless stereo).
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The Noida plant will be worth Rs 400 crore, the company initially will invest in land acquisition, construction and equipment for the facility. The factory will be a complete in-house design with complete backward integration and manufacturing solutions, as stated by the director Sagar Gupta. Additionally, the plant will also manufacture TV, smart watches, washing machines and TWS.
Currently, the company has set up a plant in Sonipat, Haryana that manufactures LED TVs up to 43-inch screen size and set-top-boxes. As for the new plant, it would make LED TVs from a screen size of 43 inches to 90 inches. Right now, manufacturing is based on imported assembling and components. We are planning to manufacture those imported components here,” said Gupta. The company is planning to set up SMD machines for building injection moulding, and motherboards for the power bressel machines at their Noida plant. As per sources, the plant will be fully functional by August of this year.
“The new facility at Noida will have an initial capacity to manufacture 500,000 units of LED TVs per month, which will make the plant the largest facility in terms of capacity in the country with the potential to ramp it up to 800,000 to 900,000 units per month in the next three years,” added Sagar Gupta. Plus, they will plan to have their own apply chain, reducing the supply time to its b2b customers and product development to labelling etc.