FSSAI initiates food safety campaign in markets of Delhi
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has launched an extensive awareness and sensitisation drive on food safety in major markets in Delhi, starting from Khan Market and INA Market. The campaign focuses on detecting and mitigating pesticide residue and contaminants in food products.
Market associations and traders were educated on the harmful effects of pesticide residue on fruits and vegetables. FSSAI introduced the “Food Safety on Wheel” mobile lab with rapid testing kits for detecting approximately 50 pesticide residues in various food items, providing quick results for swift action.
Traders were encouraged to use the mobile lab for expedited testing and to ensure the safety and quality of their products. They were also sensitised on obtaining FSSAI licenses, sourcing raw materials from registered vendors, and the importance of raw material testing for food safety.
Furthermore, attendees were informed about testing laboratories for food products in Delhi and nearby areas. The event highlighted the collective responsibility of ensuring food safety, with the message “Food Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility,” stressing the role of every stakeholder in promoting a healthier India.