Holy Monday 2023 Greetings, Wishes, Quotes, Images, Messages, Sayings, Banners, Posters, and Captions

Holy Monday is the 2nd day in the Holy Week and is sometimes referred to as Holy and Great Monday. The week leading up to Easter is Holy Week, commonly referred to as Christian Passion Week. The gospels claim that on this day, Jesus Christ renovated the temple, answered questions about his legitimacy, and chastised the fig tree. In Western Christianity, it is the 2nd day of Holy Week following Palm Sunday. However, in Eastern Christianity, it is the 3rd day following Lazarus Saturday as well as Palm Sunday. Here is most of what you need to discover about Holy Monday’s past and present as Holy Week 2023 draws near.


Every year, Christians observe Holy Week. It commemorates the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ at the start of the week. According to biblical texts, Jesus’ sole known outburst of fury in public occurred on Holy Monday during his existence. According to legend, Holy Monday was the 2nd day that the Messiah had been in Jerusalem, or that He cursed a fig tree since it hadn’t produced any fruit.

All four Gospels relate that on Holy Monday, God cleansed the Temple by driving out all the traders and financial intermediaries. According to legend, when Jesus appeared at the Temple, he discovered that the plaza was crowded with sinners.


The fig tree’s wilting is observed, and churchgoers remember Joseph-related melodies to commemorate the occasion. According to historical accounts, Holy Monday is known as Great and Holy Monday, simply Great Monday, in the Eastern Catholic Churches which adhere to the Byzantine Rite. The Church remembers the unproductive fig tree’s demise on this day. This serves as a reminder of the judgment that awaits someone who does not bear the benefits of repentance or being fruitful.

Best Holy Monday 2023 Greetings, Captions, Wishes, Quotes, Images, Posters, Messages, Sayings, and Banners

“Holy Monday Blessing – May the Lord bless you and increase your faith. May you be filled with the Holy Spirit and Spread His love everywhere you go this Holy Week!”

“God’s love has no limit, God’s grace has no measure, God’s power knows no boundaries, May u have God’s endless blessings.”

“Happy Holy Monday Morning – May you have a wonderful day and a blissful Holy Week ahead. God Bless Everyone All For God’s Glory!”

“Today we remember the moment when Jesus laid down his life for our sins we are redeemed by the sacrifice of our Lord & Saviour.”

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