
How Loving Yourself Improves Your Relationship

Have you ever wondered what it takes to love yourself unconditionally? Imagine how better life would be if you enjoyed everything about yourself and were never critical. Not only does this impact your relationships, but it also helps you live a more fulfilling life each day.

Picture it this way, when was the last time you felt pure love for all aspects of your life? Do you enjoy getting out of bed each morning and saying hello to the person in the mirror? If not, then you can easily suffer from low self-esteem and lack of confidence that affects your life.

Not only do you get critical about your life, but this also interferes with your existing and potential relationships. It can even make it harder to visit the best dating sites. You can’t give love and appreciation to others if you don’t feel it for yourself. It explains why you have to love yourself first before loving another person, no matter who they are in your life.

Sounds strange? You never thought that loving yourself could have such an impact in your life before, have you? Well, it’s time to learn the truth. How you love yourself dramatically impacts how productive and fulfilling your life is.

So, it’s time to change your mindset and start learning to love yourself.

Floral Birthday Card

Learning to Love Yourself

What are ways to love yourself? The good news is that no matter how old you are, you can always learn to love yourself. What’s important is changing your outlook on life and putting in the work. You can try and manage some things. Let’s see them.

1. Be comfortable being alone

Ever noticed how anxious or disturbed you get when you’re alone? Perhaps everyone is away from home, or no friend is available to hang out. You start to panic and try to find ways to be in a group and not spend time with your thoughts and feelings.

While there’s no problem having people around you, a healthy love for yourself starts by learning to be alone and be okay with it. Start learning how to enjoy your own company and watch your life transform. It’s the best time to evaluate your plans, assess achievements and failures in life, and learn more about who you are.

Once you master loving your own company, you can project the same in all your relationships and learn to be more independent.

2. Eyes Forward Always

Want to know a secret? Your posture expresses a lot about your self-esteem and self-worth. It can quickly show if you love who you are or don’t.

Do you walk with your eyes forward and a straight posture, or do you prefer looking forward? Are you comfortable meeting strangers stare, or do you quickly look away, worried they will judge you?

As you learn how to love yourself more, you must change your posture while walking. Make the conscious decision to start walking with confidence with eyes up. When you find yourself looking down, work on affirming your worth, and soon it’ll come naturally.

3. Embrace your Flaws

News flash! No one is perfect. You might have heard that before, but it’s a truth you must accept your flaws if you want to love yourself.

So put down that magazine and switch off social media for a moment to reflect. Everyone you see posing in perfect photos has their flaws, and so do you. Now don’t let them be the source of your self-criticism; learn to embrace them instead.

Embracing your flaws helps you learn self-worth, confidence, and these can be the source of your greatest inspiration. Your partner will appreciate this attitude as well, for it’s much easier to love a person without unsolvable inner conflicts.

4. Love Yourself Anyway

Love is all about actions. How do you act towards yourself? Is it with love or fear? When you look into the mirror, what comes to your mind first? Are these thoughts of love or failure and intimidation?

Even when you are not in your best shape, learn to love yourself. Stop every thought that’s critical, leading to self-esteem. Make it a point always to mention what you love about yourself daily.

Can you learn to love yourself while in a relationship? Yes, you can. All it takes is a change in your mindset and actions.

5. Gratitude

Imagine what it would be like if you were grateful for all parts of your life, even the negative ones. Gratitude teaches you how to love yourself more while working on changing what is wrong.

But, if you always complain about what is wrong, you won’t notice everything else that’s going right. You’ll never learn to love yourself this way.

Once more, your mindset has to shift from focusing on what is terrible to noting all the good around you. No one only has negativity in life because there’s always something positive, no matter how small there is to be grateful for.

6. Be Present

Are you always living in the past or worrying about the future? Doing so only hampers your vision of the present. It is as good as it is to learn from the past and plan the future while being present in your life is the source of all happiness that helps improve your relationships.

Additionally, living now gives you a chance to appreciate what is going right while working out the failures. You can learn the lessons you need to and apply this in the coming future. Otherwise, when you’re not present, you keep making the same mistakes over and over.

One way to be present is to write down daily tasks that ensure your mind focuses on life’s essential parts. With the tasks occupying your brain, you won’t have time to worry about tomorrow or wallow in the past.

Final Point

What happens if you love yourself? Life is worth living, and knowing how to love yourself unconditionally is the best way to do so. Your appreciation and acceptance for yourself show you the way to keep your boundaries and respect the ones of your partner. This will benefit your relationship greatly as you can be together not falling into toxic addiction. When you value yourself, you boost confidence and strength that help you easily deal with problems and live a happy life.

Please leave a comment below if you have any questions or additional information to share.

Author’s bio:  

Miranda Davis is a freelance writer in the relation and psychology area. Miranda is interested in such topics as building healthy relationships between people, love/sex compatibility, and how to find the right balance in life in general. She is currently doing specific research on the topic. Miranda loves cooking and long-distance walking.

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