
How to Plant Cannabis Seeds Indoors?

So you have decided to grow our cannabis at home. This could be the best and economical choice you have made given your love for the cannabis plant. For a beginner grower, it is not a walk in the park. Several growing considerations must be prepared before actually germinating your cannabis seeds and ultimately growing them into healthy and productive plants. The key is to have everything set up before you start your actual indoor growing experience.


When choosing your cannabis seeds careful thought and planning must come with it. Since you will be growing indoors, it is best to choose a cannabis strain that is well suited for indoor growing. You cannot just pick a strain and let it grow indoors, certain types of weed are best grown outdoors, so scratch that off your list.


knowing your cannabis basics is essential for the pre-growth preparations. Before you start growing, make sure the proper equipment is installed and ready to use.

  • Lighting – giving your cannabis plants ample lighting of 18 hours a day will encourage the fast and lush growth of your plant during the vegetative stage. lessening the lighting hours of the plant tends to induce the flowering stage. This is just about the right natural lighting schedule during fall when cannabis naturally starts to flower and develops buds.
  • Potting Medium – cannabis plants need a well-draining potting medium. a mix of compost, perlite. this is usually supplemented with both macro and micronutrients to ensure proper root absorption and healthier growth of the plant
  • Air Circulation – having adequate air circulation will promote a good exchange of gases within the gases present in the room and the plant. Any CO2 is absorbed by the plant for growth and in exchange discharges excess oxygen it produces. Aside from this, keeping the plant touched by wind will make the plant sturdier. Lastly having adequate air circulation in your grow room will prevent the growth of molds and fungi which are detrimental to plant growth.
  • Proper Watering – Cannabis plants need water to grow and thrive. the bigger the plant grows, the more water it will need. but be careful not to overwater as this may inhibit the roots from absorbing the available nutrients present in the soil and water leading to root rotting. As long as the potting medium is kept moist, but not overly wet, all is good. Thus the need for a well-draining potting mix.
  • Exposing your cannabis to the right temperatures during its growth cycle.- overall, the cannabis plant is quite a sturdy and resilient plant, but exposing it to too much heat or cold could prove very bad to the plant. too much cold could stunt the growth and too much heat will burn the plant leaves leaving it to function properly. An ideal temperature of 27 C is ideal for any cannabis to produce healthy growth and bountiful harvest.
  • Preventing Nutrient deficiencies –  a cannabis plant lacking the proper nutrients to fully grow and absorb nutrients is a sick cannabis plant. Having a rich soil mix with compost, vitamins, and minerals, and living organisms are ideal.
  • Ideal Relative Humidity – Plants need lots of humidity while they are seedling as this aids in the plant growth, however as the plant starts to mature, less and less humidity is required. During the flowering stage, it is best to keep humidity at a low level as molds and fungus tend to develop in the buds.


Indoor lighting is essential in the growth of the marijuana plant. The vegetative phase of the plant’s growth is when the plant needs light the most. This is when light is absorbed by the plant to produce photosynthesis and aid in the growth of the plant.

During this vegetative stage, absorbed light will make the plant grow more as nutrients absorbed will assist in the production of more stems and leaves, leaving a lush growing cannabis plant. As the plant enters its flowering stage, less light is needed for better bud growth. This is just replicating the natural seasons of nature. The less available light will induce more flowers to grow and buds to develop.

Indoor growth will require the presence of CFL or LED lights to replicate the sun’s light. For the more serious and wide-scale growers, the use of HPS and MH lamps are a must. These lams can easily produce light to cover a 1.5 x 1.5 meter grow room without burning the leaves.


Now that all the necessary equipment is ready to use and installed, it is time to germinate those cannabis seeds you have purchased. The simple germination methods are germinating either by water, wet paper towel, or germinating directly to the soil. Either way, it will ensure that a uniform and high germination rate will occur for those seeds purchased from reputable sellers.

Once the seeds start to pop out, they will produce what is called seedlings, watering can be done sparsely at this point as these seedlings are just starting to grow and their roots systems are still in the development stage. just keep the potting medium moist and these seedlings will further develop their roots, and start growing secondary leaves.


Once the seedlings are successfully transplanted to their actual growing medium, the vegetative stage takes over. At this stage, the plant will start developing fuller leaves and its root systems will start to fully develop. Indoor lighting is most important at this stage as photosynthesis will make the plant grow into a mature and healthy plant.


This is the stage where those sticky resinous buds start to develop. As these develop, so do the aromas that come with it. It gradually develops and will eventually fill up the room with those sweet-smelling scents. As the buds start to develop, they exhibit a sort of floral arrangement that is particular to the strain you have chosen to grow. This is the time that trichomes start to cover your buds and leaves, moving us to the most exciting phase of growing your cannabis.


During this stage, your buds are now filled with colored trichomes of orange, brown, or deep red depending on the strain you chose to grow. Notice that when the resin pockets change color from clear to milky white, then finally to amber. Depending on your choice of the potency of your strain, these resin sacs will determine the outcome of your product.

  • When trichomes are 20% to 30% amber in color, you get a high THC content
  • When trichomes are 60% to 80% amber, you get a broad cannabinoid profile
  • When trichomes are a milky white color, it is not yet ready to harvest.

The basic rule in harvesting is to carefully handle the buds with care and try not to touch the very sensitive trichomes. Once the buds are collected, air dry them in a cool dark place with little humidity so as not to attract the formation of molds. Once dried place the dried buds in a sealed container remembering to open the id once a day to let fresh air in and let the humidity be released inside the container. Remember the longer the cure of the weed, the smoother the taste, How to Plant Cannabis Seeds Indoors. After a minimum of six weeks, you may now enjoy your indoor homegrown marijuana!!

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Abhishek Sharma

Abhishek Sharma is a well versed content writer and loves to write on different niche category domains with the motive of increasing the client's business and high engagement on the articles

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