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How to repair a solid wood door: A step by step guide

A solid wood door can last years if maintained regularly. The most important rule to follow when you have a wooden door is to be mindful of climate chan…



How to repair a solid wood door: A step by step guide

Solid wood doors are of superior quality when compared to simulated wood doors, and they can last a long time when properly cared for. Many people admire the beauty of these doors but hesitate to purchase them due to their price. Old wooden doors can easily be restored, even after extensive damage. This is an extensive guide.

Tools You Will Need

To repair a wooden door (as a DIY project), there are several tools that can help speed up your process, and give the best results. At the very least, you will need:

  • Small Circular saw (I got mine on Amazon)
  • Random orbital sander (Bob Smith Tools has an extensive collection)
  • Electric drill (One that drills and fastens, usually with interchangeable drill bits)
  • Hammer (any standard model)

Additional materials may be needed depending on the type of damage you will be repairing.

Basic Construction Of A Solid Wood Door

Before we begin any repairs, we must first understand the construction of a wooden door. Most solid wood doors are made with roughly the same idea in mind, usually with panels of wood fixed within a frame.


Contracting and Expanding Wood

One thing that must be established about natural wood, is that it is capable of expanding and contracting relative to the moisture in the air (humidity) that surrounds it. This is forever true for all types of natural wood panels. Industrially manufactured wood panels are treated in a kiln (a very large furnace) or by air drying, to reduce the moisture levels in the wood. This method reduces the problems that occur when the wood is exposed to moisture or is dried rapidly. 

Wood is naturally composed of long hollow cells that, when dried, can absorb or release moisture relative to the environment around them. This change in moisture changes the physical dimensions of the wood. The modern solution for this problem is controlling the moisture levels from the start (by drying the wood) and sealing it (using finishes like varnish and paint).

Floating Panels

Solid wood doors are constructed of a wooden panel (or multiple panels) that are inserted in a frame. Instead of being fixed, they are floating in grooves or rabbets made in four parts a frame. Usually, they are made slightly thinner than the narrow grooves in which they sit. This gives the wood space enough to expand and contract every season as humidity levels rise and fall. The basic unit (usually used for cabinet doors) is the five-piece door, which consists of two horizontal rails, two vertical stiles, and a floating panel. This construction allows for expansion and contraction with a reduced risk of damage. 


The Types of Damage 

Even with modern manufacturing processes, solid wood doors can be damaged if not cared for properly. Several types of damage to a solid wood door may occur. This is a comprehensive list. 

  • Cracked panels: either due to slamming the door frequently or as a result of over-drying/too much varnish applied. 
  • Rot: Due to excessive moisture near a door that hasn’t been properly sealed.
  • Loose joints: This is when the rails and stiles of the door’s construction split from each other and it is normal if a long time has passed since the door was initially made. This is usually seen in antique doors.
  • Loosened hinges: Very commonly, homeowners with solid wood doors find that over time it no longer freely swings, but catches on the floor. This is indicative of the door hanging lower and usually means that the hinges have loosened (due to repeated use).

Step By Step Guide

Reparation of a solid wood door depends on the type of damage it has incurred. Most of the time, the door needs to be taken out of the frame, which can be done easily. The following is a comprehensive guide for any repairs you may need to do on a solid wood door.

Taking A Door Out Of Its Frame

Wooden doors are held in place by a hinge that allows them to swing back and forth. First, make sure that you have a workbench (or another area) to place the door when it’s taken out. Also keep the door supported throughout the process because once you start unscrewing one hinge, the weight will be shifted on the other(s), and they might reach their breaking point. You can use a strong wedge or pry bar under the door to achieve this, professionals have specific tools for this purpose. Starting with the bottom hinge, remove the hinge pin (if there is one), by placing a thin screwdriver under the pin and tapping it out with a hammer. Then, proceed to loosen all the screws. Finally, lift up the door carefully and place it on a workbench. 

Fixing Loose Door Hinges

This does not necessarily require that you remove the door, but you may choose to do so for your convenience. Before unscrewing the hinges, check if tightening the screw will help alleviate the catching door. Otherwise, support the door and remove the hinge from the frame completely. Using a ⅜” drill bit, make new holes in place of the existing screw holes (this has the effect of creating a larger hole). You will need to purchase ⅜” wooden dowels, which you can use to fill these holes. Make sure to cut them to the length of the hole before inserting them. Preferably, apply PVA wood adhesive glue to the dowels before inserting them into the holes. Wait for the glue to dry (as per the manufacturer’s recommendations), and sand down any protruding part of the dowel. Drill a smaller hole into the dowels, and fasten the hinge screws into the new holes. 


Fixing Cracked Panels

Many will suggest using a material to fill in the crack and hiding it with paint. This is not a permanent solution. The proper way to fix split panels is to glue them back together. After taking down the door, scrape the inside of the cracked wood, to remove any finish that has clogged the area. Drill holes on the side of the door, respective to the crack. Your aim is to use a wooden dowel to hammer the parts of the wooden panel together. Apply adhesive to the crack and holes, and then insert dowels into the holes. Using a hammer, try to move the wood panel until it is no longer split. Wait for the adhesive to dry, preferably overnight. Use a saw to cut out the protruding dowels, and use a sander on the edge, as well as the panel. Sand the entire door, and apply the finishing of your choice. Do not use an excess of finishing (varnish, paint), as this would lead to the same problem.

Rotten Doors

If a solid wood door is left exposed to the elements for a long period of time, it is inevitable that it will rot. Sometimes it is possible to salvage a rotten door and fix it. This is not possible if the damage is extensive, that is, the rot has reached through most of the door. Note that the entire door could have a thin layer of rotten wood, and still be repaired if there is enough viable wood underneath.

Using your random orbital sander and a medium grit abrasive disc, sand the entire surface of the door, to remove the rot.  Repeat the process until you reach clean wood. If the rot is only in a small part of the door, you should preferably still sand the entire surface to keep it uniform. You may sand the front of a door or the back, or the entire door depending on the area you need to cover. Use any method to air dry the wood, such as a blow dryer or a hot-air gun. 


After you are convinced the wood is dry enough, use a brush to apply a wood hardener on the entire surface you sanded. Again, leave it overnight to dry. Apply a wood filler on the hardened surface, and leave it to dry fully. Try to apply it uniformly on the entire exposed area of the wood. A random orbital sander can be used (medium grit) to sand  down the area, and then polish it with fine grit sandpaper. As usual, strip the old finish entirely, and apply the varnish or paint of your choice to every surface. Wait for it to dry before moving the door. 

How To Properly Care For Solid Wood Doors

A solid wood door can last years if maintained regularly. The most important rule to follow when you have a wooden door is to be mindful of climate changes. Extreme humidity or an overly dry environment can lead to unusual warping and other damage to the door. Also, remember that although the finishing protects the wood, it does not last indefinitely. Regularly recoat the finishing on your solid wood door, and make sure to get every nook and cranny. A small area of exposed wood can easily rot and damage the entire door if left unchecked. 


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The Future of Influence: Unveiling the Power of AI Influencers



The Future of Influence: Unveiling the Power of AI Influencers

In recent years, the marketing landscape has witnessed a significant shift with the emergence of AI influencers. These virtual individuals, powered by artificial intelligence, have taken the digital world by storm, captivating audiences with their lifelike appearances and persuasive content. AI influencers are virtual entities designed to mimic real-life influencers, with their own unique personalities, interests, and styles. They have become a powerful tool for brands to connect with their target audience and drive engagement. As technology continues to evolve, AI influencers are expected to play an increasingly prominent role in shaping the future of influence in the marketing industry.

One of the key advantages of AI influencers is their ability to operate 24/7 without any limitations. Unlike human influencers who have limitations in terms of availability and capacity, AI influencers can continuously create content and engage with their audience. This means that brands can maintain a constant presence in the digital world, reaching their target audience at any time of the day. Moreover, AI influencers can easily adapt to different time zones and languages, making them ideal for global marketing campaigns.

However, the rise of AI influencers has also raised concerns regarding authenticity and transparency. As AI influencers become more sophisticated, it becomes increasingly difficult for consumers to distinguish between real and virtual influencers. This has prompted the need for guidelines and regulations to ensure transparency in influencer marketing. Brands must be diligent in disclosing the use of AI influencers to maintain trust and credibility with their audience. Despite these challenges, the potential of AI influencers to revolutionize the marketing industry cannot be ignored.


How to identify AI influencers from real influencers

With the increasing presence of AI influencers in the digital world, it is crucial for brands and consumers to be able to distinguish between AI influencers and real influencers. While AI influencers are designed to appear as lifelike as possible, there are certain characteristics that can help identify their virtual nature. One way to identify AI influencers is to look for signs of perfection. AI influencers are often flawless, with impeccable skin, hair, and features. They may also exhibit an otherworldly quality, with an uncanny ability to never age or change.

Another way to identify AI influencers is to examine their content and engagement patterns. AI influencers tend to have a consistent level of engagement, with a high number of likes, comments, and shares on their posts. This is because their creators can program them to generate content that resonates with their target audience. Real influencers, on the other hand, may have more variable engagement levels, depending on the quality and relevance of their content.

Furthermore, AI influencers often have a limited online presence outside of their social media platforms. They may not have personal websites or a history of past collaborations with brands. Real influencers, on the other hand, typically have a more extensive online presence, with a portfolio of past work and collaborations. By carefully analyzing these factors, brands and consumers can differentiate between AI influencers and real influencers.


The future of AI influencers and their impact on the marketing landscape

As technology continues to advance, the future of AI influencers looks promising. With advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning, AI influencers are expected to become even more realistic and sophisticated. They will be capable of seamlessly integrating into various media formats, including videos, podcasts, and virtual reality experiences. This will enable brands to create immersive and engaging campaigns that captivate their audience.

Moreover, AI influencers have the potential to revolutionize the concept of personalization in marketing. By leveraging data and insights gathered from their interactions with users, AI influencers can deliver highly targeted and personalized content. This level of customization will enable brands to create more meaningful connections with their audience, leading to increased brand loyalty and advocacy.

However, the rise of AI influencers also brings ethical considerations. As AI influencers become more advanced, there is a risk of them being used to spread misinformation or manipulate public opinion. It is crucial for brands and creators to use AI influencers responsibly and ensure that their content aligns with ethical guidelines. Transparency and disclosure will be paramount to maintain trust and credibility with the audience.


Case studies of successful AI influencer campaigns

To illustrate the potential of AI influencers, let’s explore some successful case studies. One notable example is the collaboration between fashion brand Balmain and AI influencer Shudu. Shudu, created by digital artist Cameron-James Wilson, gained significant attention for her striking beauty and high-fashion images. The partnership allowed Balmain to reach a wider audience and showcase their designs in a unique and innovative way. The campaign generated immense buzz and engagement on social media, resulting in increased brand awareness and sales.

Another successful AI influencer campaign is Lil Miquela, created by Brud. Lil Miquela is a virtual influencer who has amassed a large following on social media platforms. Through collaborations with various brands, Lil Miquela has been able to promote products and drive sales. Her unique aesthetic and engaging content have resonated with her audience, making her a highly sought-after influencer in the fashion and beauty industry.

These case studies demonstrate the potential of AI influencers to drive brand awareness, engagement, and sales. By leveraging the power of AI, brands can tap into new and exciting opportunities to connect with their target audience.


In conclusion, the rise of AI influencers is reshaping the marketing industry. These virtual entities have the power to captivate audiences, deliver personalized content, and drive engagement. As technology continues to advance, AI influencers will become even more realistic and sophisticated, offering brands new ways to connect with their audience. However, it is important to navigate the ethical considerations that come with AI influencers and ensure transparency and authenticity. The future of influence lies in the hands of AI, and it is up to brands and creators to leverage this power responsibly.

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As AI Turns Therapist, What Does Technology Mean For Our Mental Health?



As AI Turns Therapist, What Does Technology Mean For Our Mental Health?

Technology gets an unfortunate press when it comes to our mental well-being. We are constantly flooded with arguments suggesting that tech is not only reducing our attention spans, but also could be playing havoc with our serotonin levels. Even worse, there have been experts who have labeled the introduction and rapid advancement of ChatGPT and its contemporaries as the very end of humanity as we know it.

As it was revealed last week that a new AI-driven mental health chatbot, Earkick is now offering a mental health service aimed at targeting anxiety and depression, we ask: what does technology mean for our mental health? 

It’s by no means all doom and gloom. The technological apocalypse is not upon us. There are lots of positives out there when it comes to our mental well-being and the march of tech. 


Firstly, as you will likely know, tech does have its achievements in allowing us all to have that coveted little bit of me time. Thrusting off the shackles of work and responsibility, me time benefits align with the principles of self-determination theory. In short, this theory – touted by Ryan & Deci since the dawn of the new millennium – emphasizes the importance of autonomy and competence in fostering psychological well-being. 

You see, taking time for yourself fulfills the need for autonomy by allowing individuals to make choices that are aligned with their personal values and desires, enhancing a sense of control over one’s life. But on top of this, research on mindfulness and solitude suggests that periods of introspection and relaxation also contribute to improved emotional regulation and reduced stress levels.

Now, we know how and why taking time out for yourself is highly beneficial. But where exactly does technology fit in? One prevalent – and potentially all-too-obvious avenue, although it’s still definitely worth a mention – is through iGaming. 


Buzzing, colorful virtual worlds just hit differently: they offer us an escape from reality with a chance to engage in thrilling adventures or become immersed in an action-packed online casinos with cool bonuses, low deposits and the chance to win big. And, according to gambling expert, Vlad Grindu, online offshore casinos are becoming one of the most popular ways for many of us to spend our downtime (source: With over 1.5 billion gamblers across the globe, however, this isn’t so unsurprising. 

And VR is something that’s being increasingly introduced in both traditional gaming and gambling, and it’s set to continue to open up new worlds of possibilities. Imagine, for example, being transported to brand new environments to explore new worlds and interact with virtual objects.

Aside from me time, social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook offer opportunities for self-expression and connection with friends and family just about any time by allowing users to share moments from their lives and engage in meaningful conversations. Okay, social media does, quite obviously, have its shortcomings, but those users who are disciplined in avoiding doom scrolling, can find meaningful action in spending a little bit of time catching up with friends and family from across the world. 


Mental health applications offer convenience and accessibility, available anytime and anywhere. They serve as valuable resources for individuals facing barriers to other forms of support, with many incorporating measures to ensure privacy and security. 

There’s a huge range of mental health apps that already exist and cater to various needs including stress relief, mood tracking, and cognitive engagement. For instance, meditation apps provide exercises to enhance breathing, promote relaxation, and facilitate better sleep. As of 2021, there were between 10,000 and 20,000 apps targeted towards mental health betterment, which brings us to another important point: lockdown and the rise of mental health ailments.

While it might feel like it was a lifetime ago, it’s important to remember that COVID-19 impacted us all to some degree, both hard and fast. One day early 2020, we were living our lives as normally as possible (given there were heavy rumors about measures in the pursuit of public safety) and the next, the world stopped.  


No longer were we able to see our friends and family, pop to the shops, or even go to work. Our homes, for many of us, turned into our very own prisons. 

In those uncertain times, technology allowed us to access the outside world. 

It put us in touch with nonagenarian relatives who were using Skype for the very first time. Video conferencing platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet enabled remote work, allowing employees to collaborate effectively from home and feel at least some semblance of normalcy. Remote fitness meant that apps and online workout classes were working overtime to help us to stay active and maintain our physical health while gyms and fitness centers were some of the last businesses to reopen. Teletherapy platforms offered counseling and mental health support remotely by addressing the psychological impact of isolation and increasing uncertainty.


We danced with friends virtually, we indulged in online liquid lunches, we ordered too many toilet rolls. On a micro level, these were just some of the things that helped to keep us mentally safe and sane in an insane world. And it was all there thanks to technology. If technology allowed us to safely navigate the single biggest pandemic in over a century, what’s it got in store for us in the near future? It’s something that science is eager to address and help put its stamp on.  

Take positive technology, for example. Not often two words you hear band together, its aim is to prove tech’s role in advancing human welfare. At its very core, positive technology deals in scientific and practical approaches to adopting technological tools to enhance the overall human experience. Rooted in the principles of positive psychology (which examines the various facets of human flourishing across biological, individual, social, organizational, cultural, and global spheres) this paradigm changer emphasizes the pursuit of holistic well-being through technological innovation. It does this by rethinking design, with the aim of promoting wellness and nurturing human capabilities. But central to this psychological school of thought is the acknowledgment of the multifaceted, subjective, and context-dependent nature of user experiences. 

What the science produces, however, is a little more what we are used to. One key aspect lies in leveraging technology to promote mindfulness and stress reduction. Mobile apps and, more commonly, wearable devices equipped with biofeedback sensors enable users to carefully monitor and manage their stress levels in real time, fostering greater self-awareness and emotional regulation. 


Moreover, positive computing facilitates the cultivation of positive emotions and behaviors. Virtual reality experiences, as previously mentioned, offer immersive environments that can now be used for practicing gratitude, empathy, and kindness, thereby fostering a more positive outlook on life. Mindfulness on a stunning, albeit virtual beach, anyone?

Furthermore, artificial intelligence algorithms are being developed to deliver personalized interventions tailored to individuals’ specific needs and preferences. These interventions range from mood tracking and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) exercises to virtual coaching and even digital companionship.

So, while it’s potentially questionable and perhaps even ethically unsound that AI should be playing therapist in 2024, we are seeing the increase in technology attempting to promote mental wellbeing. And, as for the future, as psychology is being integrated and this leading to tighter regulations, what we will hopefully begin to see is more and more excessive services, applications and wearables that allow us to help ourselves as much as them helping us. 


In the meantime, why not get researching so you, too, can really harness the benefits of technology on your mental heatlh? 

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Ways To Add A Personal Touch In A Classy Birthday Celebration



Birthdays are a special occasion which every person awaits to have a grand celebration and surprises. Whether it’s a kid, teenager, siblings, or any couple, celebrating birthdays has become a tradition, and people feel them close to their hearts. Also, celebrating it in a grand manner depends on the budget, and if you are financially strong enough to have memorable celebrations, then plan ahead to avoid a minute rush. You can avail of the services of online cake delivery in Gurgaon or other places and make every moment special with satisfaction.   

Also, there are many ways through which you can add a personal touch to the classy or grand birthday celebration. If you want such ideas to express your love beyond the limit, then this article is right to read. These points will make the luxurious birthday celebration memorable and make your loved one feel special and heartwarming, along with minimising extra expenses. 

1] Create Personalized Invitations For Your Close Guests

Birthday celebration is an exciting way to call relatives, friends, and other guests who are close to your heart. So, to make your loved one birthday special and memorable, the first thing to do is create personalized invitations. You can take the help of Canva or browsing templates and then choose the best images and quotes according to your style and words. Further, you can print and share on various social media platforms to invite or visit their houses for special invitations. Their presence will make moments special, and the birthday guy will be astonished. 


2] Make Decorative Pieces Using Scraps Available At Your Home

There are various items that are considered waste, such as cardboard, gift wrappers, old newspapers, mixed paper scrap, and others that can be used to make beautiful crafts. So, to surprise your loved ones on their birthday, you can go DIY and make decorative pieces by using these scaps available at home. You can make paper flowers, colorful paper rainbows, paper stars, and paper butterflies. It will not only save you money but add a personal touch to the birthday celebration with its mind-blowing decorations. 

3] Plan A Food Menu Of the Birthday Person’s Choice

Another great way to have a memorable and classy birthday celebration by adding a personal touch is planning a food menu according to a person’s choice. It will help you not cook extra food, and you can satisfy every craving for their favorite food. Also, it will make every guest happy and will make the birthday guy astonished, which further creates a fun-loving atmosphere.

4] Order Personalised Cake In A Big Enough Size

Cakes are an important part of having memorable birthday celebrations. So, if you are planning to add a personal touch to a classy birthday celebration, then go for a red velvet cake order online ahead of time, which should be big in size. Also, there are varieties of designs and flavours available that will make the atmosphere loving, happier, and memorable. Your loved ones will be impressed by seeing the surprise. It will not only help you select the best designs and types but also help you make last-minute party plans efficiently.


5] Create A Playlist Based On Situations Or Bond You Share With Your Friends

Songs and dance are considered important segments of any celebration. So, create a playlist based on situations or bonds with your guests or close friends. You ask their preferences or desks for some rocking, retro, classic, or party hit songs to make a birthday celebration inspirational and memorable. Also, allow every guest to suggest their favorite songs or music they want to listen to. 

6] Give Your Guest A Reason To Enjoy And Make A Party Atmosphere

A birthday party means having a lot of fun with cakes, dance, music, games and other activities. So, when planning a classic-style birthday party, give your guests a reason to enjoy and spread loving vibes. You can allow them to sing, dance, have cooking competitions, cupcake-making competitions, or perform activities that they wish. Also, pay special attention to kids and grandparents and involve them to make them happy.

7] Ask Your Close Ones To Write Hand Written Wishes For The Birthday Person

Celebrating a birthday means you have grown 1 year older and are bound with responsibilities. So, after having all the celebrations and enjoying the birthday party, you can ask every guest to write handwritten wishes for the birthday person to know their strengths and weaknesses. You can take the big cardboard and let everyone write their thoughts and feelings one by one. It will create a loving atmosphere, and the person will feel more happier on their special days. 


8] Give Them Memorable Collectibles As A Prosperous Return Gift

You must say heartwarming thanks to the guests who have given valuable time to come to your loved ones’ birthday party. So, give them memorable collectibles as a prosperous return gift and make your classy birthday celebration inspiring and memorable. You can do DIY gift ideas, or there are various sites that provide affordable gifts at a valuable price for every type of guest.

Final Thoughts

Celebrating a birthday party of your loved ones is a special way to give gestures and overwhelm them for their special positions in your life. So, the above ways are best to add a personal touch and celebrate a classy birthday party while satisfying everyone. Moreover, apart from these ideas, don’t forget to tell the birthday guy about the special place that you have in your heart and promise to live with happiness and love forever. 

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