If you have invested Money in ONGC and Oil India Ltd then you got Massive earning, the government made this plan
If you have invested in the shares of ONGC or Oil India Ltd, then there is good news for you. The government is working on a plan to reduce coal consumption and increase gas usage. In fact, to reduce air pollution, the government is insisting on running power plants and industries on gas. Recently, Delhi’s industries were instructed to run PNG as soon as possible. In this regard, the central government has started talking to the states as well.
The central government made this preparation
According to Exclusive news of Uniquenewsonline, the central government will soon negotiate with the states to reduce coal consumption and promote the use of gas. The government plans that industries that can run from gas should be converted to gas. Companies like ONGC and Oil India Ltd are expected to get large orders due to the boost in gas consumption.
Instructions issued for Delhi
In order to reduce the increasing pollution in the air of Delhi, the Delhi Pollution Control Committee has given instructions to identify such industries in which non-approved fuel is being used. Instructions have also been given to take strict action against these industries.
Industries will have to do this work
Air Quality Management Commission has instructed all industries in Delhi-NCR and surrounding areas to use PNG Piped Natural Gas as fuel. This gas will be given by GAIL and Indraprastha Gas Limited.
These industries were identified
About 1644 industries have been identified in 50 industrial areas of Delhi and adjoining areas which will have to use PNG as fuel as soon as possible. According to the commission, industries in Delhi and surrounding areas are also responsible for pollution in Delhi. Converting them to PNG will provide great relief. Indraprastha Gas Limited (IGL) and Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL) have been instructed to extend their pipeline network to the industrial areas at the earliest to help the industries use PNG.
Timeline Fixed
Under the directives, the industries which have been identified will have to start using PNG as fuel by 31st January, 2021. Monitoring this work and enabling industries