International Day for Protection of Children 2021: Ways to Keep Your Child Safe Online from Cyberbullying and Consuming Inappropriate Content

International Day for Protection of Children 2021: Ways to Keep Your Child Safe Online from Cyberbullying and Consuming Inappropriate ContentRepresentational Image (Photo Credits:

We live in a digital world, and our kids are more active online. It is therefore essential that they develop some Internet etiquette, between posting inappropriate content and indulging in cyberbullying. You should set up rules and regulations for everything in your child’s life. And while you may assume that kids know what to consume online and that they shouldn’t be up all night on their phones, the truth is, most kids don’t. Here’s how you can instill Internet etiquette in your child.

Set Rules and Guidelines

Create a set of guidelines to keep them safe in a tech-savvy world. Make a contract with your kids and include where you include the devices that they can use, what kids can access them, and what type of content they should not post online. Do not worry about what other people are saying; this is what you need to practice at home. Cyberbullying to Digital Rights and Responsibilities: CBSE Releases Cyber Safety Guide for Students.

Talk About Repercussions

Let them know what happens if they defy or violate the digital contract. Make kids understand that what they do on the internet is not private. Explain that even if they have their security settings set up correctly, it doesn’t make a difference. Emphasise that they should think twice before posting on social media as everyone can have access. How to Identify Fake News? Google India Teaches Kids Safe Surfing and Deal With Cyber Bullying.

Test the Social Media Waters

Make a social media profile and test the waters for a month to see what kids find so appealing about them. Even if you delete your account after later, the experience will help you communicate with your child about the topic. Understanding the world your child is living will help you be in sync with them.

Obey the Rules of The Site

Be sure that your child obeys the rules of the site. So if the site is for 18 years and above, do not let them join before they turn that age. Those rules are set for a reason and letting them join these sites early sends the message that your child does not care for these the rules. Instagram Rolls Out ‘Caption Warning’ Feature To Stop Cyberbullying.

One downside to letting your child be active online is that they can become victims of cyberbullying. Come up with a plan to help them deal with it. If they see something, they don’t like, have them share it with you.

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