‘Joe Biden Has Brain Damage, a Fact Well-Known Among Many Democrats; Kamala May Soon Replace Him,’ Claims US News Host

Former Fox News host and prominent American conservative political commentator and writer, Tucker Carlson, made a startling claim that US President Joe Biden is suffering from dementia and that he could soon be replaced by Vice President Kamala Harris.
Tucker also said that the frail condition of the US President is common knowledge among political circles and accused the US media of deliberately hiding this fact.
Tucker Carlson dubbed the media persons as ‘Democratic operatives posing as journalists’ and added that the media is feigning disbelief at Biden’s health condition.
He added, “Either they’re really stupid… or they’re truly dishonest, they’re hiding the obvious from you.”
He also claimed in a post on social media that the fact that the US President is brain damaged is common knowledge among many prominent Democrat leaders.
Carlson wrote,
“If Kamala’s going to be the nominee, she might as well be the president first. That leaves the question of Trump, and his sentencing on July 11. Biden’s collapse makes this a much more perilous moment than it was. At this point, Trump is not just the Republican candidate, but effectively the presumptive president.”
Carlson also said that in private, Obama is telling people that it is impossible and is also in favor of a for Biden to win an open convention. Obama has also not come out openly in support of Joe Biden, though he had met personally with Biden.
The fact that the Biden and Obama family do not enjoy good relations is also common knowledge in political circles.
It is also common knowledge that the force in the 2020 election campaign of Joe Biden was First Lady Jill Biden.
She continues to be the influential figure in the 2024 re-election bid by Joe Biden and has managed to shield him away from forces who might convince him to withdraw from the presidential race.
He also added that there are many candidates in the Democrat who are smelling an opportunity, especially Gretchen Whitmer. Carlson also feels that this is a crucial juncture for both the Democratic and Republican with the former President Donald Trump due to be sentenced on July 11.
Also Read: People Who Could Step Into Shoes Of Joe Biden On The Democratic Ticket If He Steps Aside