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‘Kardashian Curse’ Story: Know What The Tiktok Trend Is All About

Kardashians are famous for their extravagant lifestyles and businesses of course, but what they are more famous about is how they shake their salad bowls and the limitless drama they get into at all times by no means at all. Now with all the information, we have about the ‘kweens’ there’s something more that rang the gossip bell and that is a curse. Apparently whoever dates one of the Kardashians at any point in their lives will have bad luck as soon as they break up, of course, we’re not making it up, we have evidence read on to know more.

What’s Up With The Background Of The ‘Kardashian Curse’?

‘Kardashian Armenian Witch Curse’ has received 25.7 million views on TikTok. The hypothesis indicates that the distant ancestors of the Kardashian women struck an agreement involving four sorcerers. In accordance with the tale, the witches agreed to guarantee that any woman descended from the Kardashian line would be simply breathtaking and gorgeous (with all the surgeries it’s difficult not to be good-looking), but at the expense of destroying any men who invaded their life. Even if this alleged plague can be blamed on a few of the difficulties their husbands have encountered, celebrities can sometimes have unintended negative consequences that are too severe for an individual to endure.

How The ‘Kardashian Curse’ Was Brought Into Attention?

Scott tells Kendall about the purported curse in a TikTok video titled “Scott and Kendall Study the Kardashian Curse,” and then the two go see a tarot card specialist who confirms the curse’s veracity. This segment was adapted from the previous episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, titled “The Kardashian Curse,” which originally premiered on June 12, 2016. Kendall was questioned by Andy Cohen about whether she and her close relatives believe in the jinx on the last reuniting installment of Keeping Up With the Kardashians. She replied, saying, “What I don’t like about this narrative is that the blame is on us,” in reference to the scenario that places the burden on them.

Shreshtha Banerjee

Shreshtha Banerjee: With 3 years in writing and collaborations with 5+ news platforms, Shreshtha, a BA in English graduate, is a trusted name. She masterfully covers Entertainment, Health, and Viral Events, showcasing expertise that resonates with a wide and discerning audience.

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