
Livia Brito’s Onlyfans Photos and Videos Leaked, Actress Calls for Immediate Removal

A renowned Cuban actress, Livia Brito, best known for her portrayal of “Fernanda Linares” in the revenge drama television series “La desalmada,” is currently in the midst of a huge scandal.

So, in the latest development, Livia’s privacy has been hindered, and her premium content has been leaked by a person whose identity is not known yet.

Livia herself informed the fans about this situation via a Facebook post where she mentioned that the act is a serious violation of her privacy and copyright, and will not be tolerated.

The facebook post reads-

“Me dirijo directamente a la persona responsable de subir y compartir contenido privado de mi cuenta de OnlyFans sin mi autorización. Este acto es una violación grave de mi privacidad y derechos de autor, y no será tolerado”, se lee en el texto. 

Exijo que la imagen sea eliminada inmediatamente de todas las plataformas en las que ha sido compartida. Además, quiero recordarte que este tipo de acciones tienen consecuencias legales severas tanto en términos de derecho civil como penal

Te insto a cesar y desistir en la distribución de cualquier contenido sin el permiso explícito del creador original. Este es un recordatorio de respetar no solo mis derechos sino también la ley.”

Translated to English below-

“I direct the person responsible for subscribing and sharing personal content of my OnlyFans account with my authority. This act is a grave violation of my privacy and rights, and not entirely tolerable”, written in the text.

Let us see that the image is immediately eliminated from all the platforms that were shared. Also, we record that this type of action involves several legal consequences both in the civil and criminal terms of the case.

It is now a seizure and desistance in the distribution of any content with the original authorization. This is a record of whether one alone would hear any of the warrants if one too were to hear the warrant.”

Livia Brito demanded the immediate removal of her private photos and videos and further said that if this doesn’t happen, she won’t hesitate to take legal action against whoever is responsible for this leak.

Livia Brito joined Onlyfans in March 2024

Earlier this year, Livia Brito decided to debut on the adult subscription-based platform via an announcement on her Instagram account.

Her announcement post’s at that time read-

“¿Listos para sumergirse en mi Mundo Azul? ¡Voy a regalar este cuadro en mi próximo en vivo! Las primeras 40 personas que se suscriban, ¡recibirán un 50% de descuento! ¿Será hoy? ¿Mañana? “Por allá te espero bebé” suscríbete por el Link de mi Biografía (Mundo Azul).”

Translated to English-

“Ready to dive into my Blue World? I’m giving away this painting on my next live stream! The first 40 people to subscribe will receive a 50% discount! Will it be today? Tomorrow? “I’ll wait for you there baby” subscribe through the link in my Bio (Blue World).”

Social Media Popularity

Livia Brito’s popularity can be estimated by the fact that the actress has over 8.4 million followers on her official Instagram handle.

Also Read: WATCH: Luna Bella Shoot Explicit Video in Mexico City Metro (CDMX) For Her OnlyFans Account, Netizens Outraged After Footage Goes Viral

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