Many Indian companies emphasize the importance of building human-centric software today

New Delhi, April 10 (IANS) – A new report revealed that 90 per cent of Indian organizations are emphasizing the importance of building human-centric and accessible applications, marking a significant increase in focus compared to two years ago. Human-centred application development aims to create user-friendly platforms for a diverse community of users. Progress, a provider of cloud-based security solutions, stated that more than half of Indian organizations are planning to boost their investment in human-centred software design in the coming year.

Girija Kolagada, VP of Engineering at Progress, highlighted the necessity for organizations in India to prioritize human-centric software design as part of their digital transformation journey. He emphasized that such development not only enhances user engagement but also opens up new market opportunities and allows businesses to reach previously untapped audiences. The survey, conducted in 13 countries across North America, Latin America, Europe, and Asia, underlined the growing importance of human-centric software in the era of digital transformation.

The report indicated that 60 per cent of organizations attribute the increased focus on human-centric software design to the rapid rise in digital interactions. Nearly all organizations (98 per cent) acknowledged the crucial role of human-centric software in improving user engagement and contributing to societal welfare. Loren Jarrett, EVP & GM of Digital Experience at Progress, emphasized the significance of creating personalized digital experiences that cater to individuals and their specific contexts to maximize relevance. The shift towards human-centric software design reflects the evolving needs and expectations of users in an increasingly digital world.

In conclusion, the shift towards human-centric and accessible applications is gaining momentum in Indian organizations, with a strong emphasis on enhancing user engagement and inclusivity across diverse communities. The investment in human-centred software design is seen as a strategic approach to driving digital transformation, unlocking new market opportunities, and creating personalized experiences that resonate with users. As businesses continue to prioritize user-centric design, the potential for societal welfare and broader market reach is expected to increase in the evolving digital landscape.

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