Narada Muni’s birth anniversary is remembered each year with the celebration of Narada Jayanti. This occasion occurs on the first day of Pratipada tithi in the Krishna Paksha month of Vaisakh. Narada Muni is a well-known character in numerous legendary tales. He is a smart and jovial philosopher. He is revered as God’s messenger who visits Akash, Prithvi, and Patal to convey essential messages. Narada Muni is well-known for his melodic prowess and is a devoted disciple of Lord Narayana, the incarnation of Vishnu. He always has his veena, which he nicknames Mahathi, with him.
Narada Jayanti 2023: Date
This year, Narada Jayanti is observed on May 17.
Narada Muni’s continual wandering has an intriguing backstory. The sage was reportedly condemned by Prajapati Daksha to never have a family or a permanent place to live. According to the myth, Daksha was chosen by Brahma to govern all living things on Earth when he founded the universe and stocked it with them. Daksha was tasked with creating laws wherever they were required and populating the planet with good souls.
Narada Jayanti 2023: Celebrations
People who adhere to Narada Muni fast on Narada Jayanti, only consume milk products and fruits. They don’t consume grains or pulses. They take a bath and put on new clothing prior to the puja. On this day, they offer adoration to Narada Muni and Lord Vishnu. They provide desserts, flowers, incense sticks, kumkum, Chandan, tulsi branches, and chana. The celebration is a big hit in the northern part of India because of the relevance it has with the region. Although some regions of Southern India additionally commemorate the day, northern India is where it is basically noticed. On this day, Narada Jayanti ceremonies are held at a few of Narada Muni’s sites in Karnataka.
Best Narada Jayanti 2023 Wishes, Sayings, Images, Messages, Greetings, Captions, Quotes, and Shayari
On this auspicious occasion of Narad Jayanti, may you be blessed with the divine knowledge and wisdom of the great sage Narada. Happy Narada Jayanti!
Wishing you a happy and blessed Narad Jayanti! May the divine blessings of Sage Narada always be with you, and may you find peace and prosperity in your life.
May this Narad Jayanti bring you closer to the divine knowledge and help you lead a life of spiritual fulfillment. Happy Narad Jayanti!