National Doughnut Day 2021 Funny Memes & Jokes: Express Your Love for Donuts with These Hilarious Posts & GIFs

National Doughnut Day 2021 Funny Memes & Jokes (Photo Credits: Instagram)
Happy National Doughnut Day 2021! Today is the day dedicated to what can be called the best dessert of all time. We bet you’re craving doughnuts even right now because we are, LOL. Also known as National Donut Day, the day is mainly celebrated in the United States. Every year the first Friday of June is celebrated as Donuts Day. It succeeds the Doughnut event created by The Salvation Army in Chicago in 1938 to honour those who served doughnuts to soldiers during World War I. If there is anything that stands in the way of you and the perfect body you want to achieve, you know it is doughnuts.
These delicious treats can break any new year fitness resolution but it can also seal broken hearts and uplift your mood in no time. However, if you are not able to get donuts for yourself amid lockdown, you might want to check out funny doughnut day memes and jokes. Funny memes are as amazing as donuts, while doughnuts satiate your tastebuds, memes make you laugh out loud and release the endorphins. The result of both is surely happiness! While you are at home lying around in your PJs wondering about doughnuts, here are the funniest donut memes and jokes that will leave you ROFLing. Check out:
You Don’t Need Soulmates
Just Hate It!
Facts, People
The Only Support I need!
Imma Be a Snack!
Real-Life Problems
Did You Know That?
I’m The Only Snack In the House
Donuts Are Essential!
Told You They Were Healthy!
Can’t Stop Laughing!
Happy Doughnuts Day once again! Go ahead and treat yourself today and if you can’t just share these memes with your loved ones to spread happiness. During the though time, there is nothing more important than a good laugh. May you get to share more memes and not your doughnuts!