This day – 16th November, National Press Day – marks an identity and also is a day to celebrate the freedom and sense of responsibility Indian journalism has discovered. The PCI day is observed on the date of the establishment of the Council to function fully on November 16, 1966. On this very day, great importance has been accorded to journalism because the press is considered the fourth pillar of democracy that monitors governmental activities and disseminates information to the people at large.
History of National Press Day dates back to 1956 when the first Press Commission decided to formulate an institution to enforce the virtues of journalism. Subsequently, on 4 July 1966, the Press Council of India was established that protects the right to freedom of the press and strives to uphold ethics in journalism. The council began working from November 16, 1966, and from then on, this day was observed year after year as National Press Day.
This day reminds us of the freedom of the press, its contributions and the responsibilities of the media. The major role of journalism is to truthfully report what is going on in society and hold power accountable. This day reminds us of the freedom that the media needs and, at the same time, integrity and fairness in whatever action it takes.
The Press Council of India always declares an official theme towards the promotion of freedom and ethics of the press every year. Though the 2024 official theme is not published, it generally points towards responsibility and independence of the press.
National Press Day is celebrated on 16 November in India, but International Press Freedom Day is observed on 3 May. International Press Freedom Day was launched by the United Nations General Assembly in the year 1993. National Press Day was first celebrated in the year 1966.
This day again testifies to the very crucial importance of the press as a strong basis for democracy. The press not only reports about some of the events but also has a role in developing awareness within society as well as keeping people abreast of information. Therefore, this day helps us realize how free the press actually needs to be for our society and the standards of democracy.
Explore National Press Day 2024 theme, quotes, messages, images, posters, banners, slogans, and captions to celebrate journalism.
Best National Press Day Theme, Quotes, Images and Messages
“Journalism is what we need to make democracy work.” – Walter Cronkite
“The role of the press is to be a check on power, not a cheerleader for it.” – Glenn Greenwald
“A free press is the cornerstone of a free society.” – Anonymous
“The media’s job is not to be liked, it’s to be accurate.” – Megyn Kelly

“The press is the enemy of the state, but the state needs it, too.” – Dmitri Shostakovich
“In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” – George Orwell
“A good newspaper, I suppose, is a nation talking to itself.” – Arthur Miller
“The press is a watchdog, not a lapdog.” – Anonymous

“Freedom of the press is not just important to democracy, it is democracy.” – Walter Cronkite
“Journalism is the first rough draft of history.” – Philip L. Graham
Best Posters, Banners, Slogans and Captions
“The press should not be the servant of the government, but rather its critic.” – Joseph Pulitzer
“A free press can be good or bad, but, most certainly, without freedom, a press will never be anything but bad.” – Albert Camus

“In the age of information, ignorance is a choice.” – Donny Miller
“The truth is always the first casualty of war.” – Aeschylus
“If the press is free, the people are free.” – Thomas Jefferson
“Journalism is an act of faith in the future.” – Ann Curry

“News is what someone somewhere wants to suppress; all the rest is advertising.” – Lord Northcliffe
“The job of the newspaper is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” – Finley Peter Dunne
“Without a free press, there is no democracy.” – Anonymous
“The freedom of the press is essential to the functioning of democracy, and the press is a vital pillar in our society.” – Anonymous