Networking as a tech entrepreneur

Networking is the best way for a tech entrepreneur to learn about their market. The more people you meet and talk to, the better and faster you’ll learn. Whether you’re looking for customers, hiring talent or simply curious about what other startups are doing, there’s no better way to get started than by meeting other entrepreneurs at events where they gather together. Here are my tips on how to do it right:

Why should you go to (face to face) events?

Networking is a great way to learn about your market. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day, but it’s important to stay aware of what’s happening around you. By attending events, you can keep up with industry news and trends, as well as connect with people who are already doing what you want to do — or have done it before.

You may find yourself learning something that could change how your company operates in the future. Maybe someone will give you an idea for a new product or service that could help grow your business (and get them more clients). You might even meet someone who offers their services pro bono because they want exposure for themselves! Networking is a great way to meet potential employees too!

When should you go to events?

When should you go to events? When you are ready.

How do I know when I’m ready? Before going to an event, ask yourself these questions: Am I prepared for this networking opportunity? Have I done my homework so that I know what kind of people will be there and what they might want from me? Do I have a few good introductions already lined up so that if the conversation gets stale or awkward, I can shift gears quickly by asking someone else for help with something or introducing myself again as a different person (i.e., “I’m actually a sophomore in college.”).

What happens if something goes wrong at an event? What’s the worst thing that could happen if someone asks me about my company and all the words fly out of my head because it’s been years since anyone asked me about it, and now all those business cards with names scribbled on them are worthless because no one will ever remember who said what anyway; maybe next time instead of buying new ones just put more money down on winning Powerball lottery tickets…

What will you get out of going to events?

When you go to events, you’ll meet people who can help you. These are the folks with whom you want to be friends. They’ll be able to provide advice on your business, as well as connect you with customers or investors. You’ll also meet people who can offer feedback on your product: what they like about it and what they don’t like.

You’ll get better at knowing your industry by going to events—you’ll learn more about what’s happening in the field, and this will help inform how you shape your business model and marketing strategy going forward. You may even come across a hot new tech trend that hasn’t been widely adopted yet!

How do you find events that work for you?

Who should you talk to at an event?

When you’re networking, it’s important to remember that anyone can be a potential source of value for you. Don’t just talk with people who are in your industry or have the same job title as you—everyone has their own unique perspective on the world and something to offer.

You should also talk to anyone who might be interested in what you do. If there’s a new product or service on display at an event and no one is talking about it, then that person may appreciate hearing about what your company does. Even if they aren’t ready for your product right now, they may know someone who would be interested in what you’re doing.

People with different interests than yours can still provide great value too! For example: if one of these “random” people happens to know someone at an organization where they could help promote or sell your product/service (or vice versa), then asking them how they use their time would probably turn into an amazing conversation starter!

What are you supposed to say when someone asks what your company does?

When asked about your company, it’s tempting to fall into a long-winded explanation of every aspect of its operations. After all, you’ve spent countless hours building and refining your product or service. You know exactly how everything works—the best way to explain it is by showing people! This can make networking events feel like interviews where you’re the one being grilled by a potential client rather than the other way around.

But if everyone else is going around asking what your company does in their own words and you’re not, there’s something wrong with that picture. It would be best if you worked on reining in those long-winded tendencies so that when someone asks “What do you guys do?”  they get an answer no matter how many times they ask it.

What are the first three things people ask startup founders when they meet them?

When you meet someone new, they’ll often ask you some version of the following questions:

Where should you run your company from?

You might be wondering where to set up shop. The answer depends on your company’s needs and what’s available in your area. Some of the most common options include:

Networking is the best way for a tech entrepreneur to learn about their market.

Networking is the best way for a tech entrepreneur to learn about their market. There are so many opportunities to network: in person, on social media, and over the phone. In fact, we conducted research which found that most of our customers find it easier to talk with other people than with computers when they’re thinking about adopting new technology. Networking is also important because it helps you connect with your potential partner or investor and build relationships with them before you need them later down the line when you’re ready for funding.


At the end of the day, networking is an essential part of any entrepreneur’s career. The more people you meet, the better informed your decisions will be.

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