Satirical CEO Connor Gaydos Revives Enron, Faces Pie Incident Amid Controversy

Who is Connor Gaydos? He is the co-founder of the ‘Birds Aren’t Real’ movement, which uses misinformation and cooked-up evidence to create satirical content. In 2020, his firm, ‘The College Company,’ bought the Enron name for $275.

Connor Gaydos Revives Enron with Satirical Twist, Faces Viral Pie Incident

The word Enron will immediately ring a bell as the Enron Corporation, a company that specialized in energy and commodities. However, the company went bankrupt in 2001 after it was revealed that it was involved in large-scale financial irregularities.

Fast forward to today, Connor Gaydos embarked on an Enron relaunch that featured everything to make it seem genuine, including a social media promotion, the original logo, and the publication of a Houston Chronicle ad with the tagline, “We’re back. Can we talk?”

The process started in earnest in December when a company that called itself the iconic energy company Enron proclaimed that it was re-launching itself and, to buttress its claims, hosted a new website and an advertising campaign complete with billboards in the Houston city. The company also announced its new CEO, 28-year-old Connor Gaydos, who was better known as the creator of the satirical ‘Birds Aren’t Real’ conspiracy theory.

The process did not end there. A whole team to assist the CEO was also announced, which included Magan Redino as president and COO, Daniel Wong as chief technology officer, and Rich Sybert as general counsel.

However, the whole exercise had an unusual twist when a close look at Enron’s website revealed that it featured a disclaimer that clearly stated the First Amendment-protected lampoon was only meant for entertainment purposes, and the whole picture was revealed.

The supposed CEO, Connor Gaydos, had a history and was known for his satirical work. He was the owner of ‘The College Company,’ the Arkansas-based entity holding the Enron logo’s trademark rights.

Connor Gaydos was best known for being the co-founder of the ‘Birds Aren’t Real’ movement, which is known for churning out satirical content with outlandish claims like birds are surveillance drones launched by the US Government.

In another twist to the story, Connor Gaydos was hit by a pie when he was exiting his SUV. He was attacked by an elderly man who hit his face with the pie before being restrained by his security personnel. The incident was immediately picked up by netizens who took to social media to make humorous memes. One user stated that it seemed to be a staged incident, while another said that it seems CEOs are not safe anymore. 

NEW: 28-year-old Enron CEO Connor Gaydos remakes the Bill Gates ‘pie in the face’ incident in New York City as the company attempts to make a comeback.

Enron, famous for its accounting scandal over 20 years ago, is allegedly making a comeback, according to Gaydos.

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