Sushant Singh Rajput’s Suicide Shocks the World: How to Recognise a Person with Suicidal Thoughts?

Health & Wellness

Tania Tarafdar|

Sushant Singh Rajput (Photo Credits: Sachin Tendulkar/Twitter)

The untimely demise of Sushant Singh Rajput has shook the entire country. Who would have thought the happy-go-lucky actor who always put up a grin on his face would take this extreme step? But while we still try to digest the news with a heavy heart, we want to prevent any more suicides. We do not want to lose our loved ones and the people we admire with this plaque. But how do you recognise a suicidal person to prevent another mishap? Here are the signs.

Behaviours of People Contemplating Suicide

A person thinks of ending their life when they feel that their problems are insurmountable. While depression pushes a person closer to suicide, there are other situations where they may see no hope of their dilemma. If they exhibit these signs, they have suicidal tendencies. Sushant Singh Rajput Commits Suicide: What Triggers People to Take This Extreme Step?

    • They talk about death or how their family and friends would be happier if they were dead.


    • They have extreme mood swings. While the person is depressed at one moment, they are happy the next.


    • They do not accept praise or compliments well. They behave rashly to all the criticisms. How to Recognise Depression? Answer These Questions to Know When to Reach out for Help!


    • They have drastic changes in habits, appearance, or even company. Raise your eyebrows if they are skipping work or school, drop out of favourite activities, and no longer caring about appearance.


    • They exhibit changes in weight, sleeping habits, and even physical activity.


    • They tend to withdraw from friends, family, or hobbies that once gave them pleasure or a sense of identity.


    • Depression caused due to a sudden and tragic event or the anniversary of such an event accompanied. Suicide Prevention: Ways to Help Someone with Depression and Suicidal Thoughts.


However, remember that some people may not show any of these signs before they take charge of their own life. So, all you can do is to make sure you are there for people when they really need you. In most cases, people with suicidal thoughts are as healthy and normal as any of us are. They are just acutely distressed and could suffer from some diagnosable mental illness.

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