Syrian Dictator Bashar al-Assad Toppled: Viral Photos Highlight Opulence Amid National Hardship

The reign of the Syrian dictator President Bashar al-Assad has come to an end after he ruled with an iron fist for more than 25 years.

His regime was characterized by brutality and no voice of dissent found utterance until the beginning of the Arab Spring which saw the fall of dictatorship in Tunisia, Libya.

A civil war started in Syria but it was contained by Bashar al-Assad with help from Iran and Russia.

However with the war in Lebanon and the Hezbollah who was propping up the Bashar al-Assad regime considerably weakened, opposition forces were finally able to wrest control and Bashar al-Assad had to flee the country to Russia.

Syrian Dictator Bashar al-Assad’s Topless Pictures Go Viral

The rebels not only captured power but also ransacked Assad’s palatial residence and among many things which were recovered which showed the opulence with which the dictator lived his life was several pictures.

One such picture which has since gone viral shows Assad in various states of undress including one in which he is shirtless.

One picture depicts Assad’s bare chest and striking a pose for the camera. In all probability, he was posing for a selfie. In another picture, he can be seen riding a scooter with the bare essentials on.

In just another picture he is seen flexing his biceps on a speedo.

In another picture, he can be seen carrying a woman on his shoulders.

He is also seen in a picture with his wife where he puts a ring on her fingers.

The opulent lifestyle of the family which had ruled the country for more than forty years has become a subject of ridicule especially if one considers the misery and the hardship the Syrian population has been enduring during the last decade.

In the words of Saad Abedine, a journalist with Al Jazeera who stated that the pictures will give,

“Endless nightmares for days to come”.

The fantasy of the common man for such personal pictures of a vanquished leader has also drawn sharp criticism from the likes of Syrian journalist Hussam Hammoud.

Mr Hammoud said,

“What is it with the #Assad family and being photographed in their underwear? Highly interested in knowing the fantasy behind. Two pictures of Hafez and Bashar Assad in their fashionable skivvies were found in the presidential palace,”

The fall of Bashar al-Assad has created a political vacuum and there are fears that the place could be filled with radical Islamists like ISIS.

This has forced Israel to continuously target the military infrastructure of Syria like ammunition dumps and missile launching sites to prevent them from falling into the hands of radical elements.

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