We’ve all had our fair share of accidents at one point in our lives, and no matter how much you prepare, they’re bound to happen. But this doesn’t mean that even though it’s inevitable, there’s nothing you can do about it. For one, prevention is always key; investing, for example, in proper healthcare can be such a huge boost in one’s life that it can greatly limit your costs on expensive treatment, or better yet, practicing a healthy lifestyle is also the most efficient way to save costs. However, life is always unpredictable, and no matter how much preparation we do, accidents are bound to happen eventually, and the most common types of accidents are those that involve our teeth and mouth.
Dental emergencies should not be overlooked; ignoring such problems can lead to permanent damages that could affect other parts of your body. Most of the time, people tend to walk away from these types of issues thinking that they’re just minor problems, but as we mentioned, it can result in irreversible consequences. This is where emergency dentists come into play. Just like doctors in the ER, emergency dentists are a lifesaver for many; they can easily turn a bad situation into a good one by being able to save your teeth in no time. If you’re curious on where to find one, there’s an emergency dentist in Clifton Hill that is ready to cater to your dental needs.
Pain Relief and Infections: toothaches can become severe, and they often come in the most inconvenient of all times and places. The pain may vary, but it can be so sharp that it could inhibit our ability to work. Such a situation calls for an emergency dentist; not only can they administer the proper pain relief, but they can also give the proper inspection of your tooth to see the underlying problem, because a simple toothache can be a sign of an exposed root canal, plaque buildup, or gum problems that can result in permanent tooth loss. Furthermore, dentists can also detect early on the signs of tooth or gum infections, which are usually seen initially as toothaches or bleeding from the tooth or gums that can become worse.
Knocked Out Tooth: movies and TV shows tend to portray losing a tooth in battle or an accident as something cool like the hero spitting out their tooth after a fight, and most of you might be thinking that such incidents do not require immediate attention, or there’s no chance to ever recover your broken tooth, but you might be wrong here. For one, a knocked-out tooth can be saved by a good dentist; if you’re fast enough and are careful in picking up and placing your teeth on the socket, you can have it reattached to your gums through re-implantation. If it can’t be reattached, a dentist can still prevent an infection from happening or give attention to your gums that might have been damaged from the tooth loss.
Root Canal: probably the most common type of dental problem is a decaying tooth (mostly seen in the crown or in between teeth). If you’re the type to consume too much sugar or are a heavy smoker, then you’ve had your fair share of experiences having a decaying tooth. Most of the time, this results in a tooth extraction, but if you’re quick enough to have it checked, then an emergency dentist might be able to save it from completely falling off through a root canal procedure. By removing the decaying part of the teeth and cleaning the pulp and root canal, they can prevent it from spreading. The dentist then seals the hole with an enamel mixture to make it as good as new.
Veneer: a groundbreaking procedure in both cosmetic and dental health, emergency dentists utilize this procedure by placing them as a mask in front of your teeth to conceal cracks or spots. Usually done in cosmetics to show pearly white teeth, it can also be used to prevent tooth loss. The material in veneers is much better at resisting stains and, most of all, plaque. This can prevent buildup and significantly reduce tooth decay, and once this happens, the likelihood of losing your teeth also diminishes. They’re also good at concealing chipped teeth temporarily, so you don’t have to worry about walking around in public with a busted tooth. They also require little maintenance.