UN Russian Language Day 2021: Date, History and Significance of the Day Celebrating Multilingualism

Russian (Photo Credits: Pixabay)

Every year, June 6 is observed as UN Russian Language Day. This observance was established by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization or UNESCO in 2010. This occurrence coincides with the birthday of Aleksandr Pushkin, who is considered to be the greatest Russian poet and the father of modern Russian literature. UN Russian Language Day falls on Saturday.

The initiative of the United Nations Language Days was launched in February 2010 to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity and to promote equal use of all six official languages ​​of the UN- English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and French.

There are many different ways by which you can observe Russian Language Day 2021. You can spend the day by taking a look at some of the work that has been created by Pushkin. If you’re not good in Russian, you will be happy to know that a lot of his poems and other works have been translated into English.

Most of his works are considered as a masterpiece, including a tale of the drama The Stone Guest, the fall of Don Juan, and the poem The Bronze Horseman. In terms of the Russian language, his work is also considered important because it links all of the contemporaneous elements of Russian.

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