Using marijuana for severe morning sickness may negatively impact mother and baby’s health

New Delhi, April 15 (IANS) Taking marijuana during pregnancy to treat nausea and vomiting may lead to brain problems in newborns and worsen the mother’s health, a study found. 70% of pregnancies experience morning sickness, with severe cases leading to weight loss and dehydration. The use of cannabis is advised against due to adverse effects on both mother and child, as stated by Dr. Larissa Jansen.

The review of studies published in CMAJ highlighted the negative impact of cannabis use during pregnancy on neurocognitive outcomes in offspring. Dr. Jansen from Amsterdam Reproduction and Development Research Institute advised against using cannabis during pregnancy. Although the exact cause of morning sickness is not fully understood, known risk factors include pregnancy at a young age, a female fetus, and underlying medical conditions.

Hyperemesis gravidarum, a severe form of morning sickness, can have detrimental effects on maternal quality of life and may lead to both short-term and long-term adverse outcomes among offspring. The management of hyperemesis gravidarum requires significant healthcare resources, often resulting in hospital admissions and emergency department visits in the first trimester. While anti-nausea drugs and ginger products may help alleviate mild nausea and vomiting, their effectiveness in cases of hyperemesis gravidarum is uncertain, prompting the need for further research.

“Use of cannabis in pregnancy has been associated with adverse neurocognitive outcomes in offspring, as well as other adverse pregnancy outcomes. Therefore, we advise against the use of cannabis in pregnancy,” said Dr. Larissa Jansen from Erasmus MC, Netherlands. More research is needed to better understand and address the complexities of managing hyperemesis gravidarum during pregnancy.

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