World Population Day 2023 Theme, Quotes, Images, Messages, Posters, Banners, Slogans, Drawings, To Create Awareness

As you all know, the population is increasing day by day. It is quite evident that the existing resources are diminishing day by day making it hard for the future generation to survive. Because of the rise of the world population. A lot of areas need to be improved in order to handle the situation effectively. World Population Day is observed on the 11th of July every year. A great way to highlight and make people aware of the rise of the global population. 

The theme for World Population Day

As mentioned above, the day is observed on the 11th of July. Every UN announces a new theme every year in order to highlight the causes and their prevention effectively. World Population Day 2023 theme is-  Unleashing the power of gender equality: Uplifting the voices of women and girls to unlock our world’s infinite possibilities.


Back in 1989, the day was recognized by the United Nations. The decision was taken when in 1987, the world population reached 5 billion causing to celebrate World Population Day. The idea was proposed by Dr KC Zachariah. 


The day focuses on raising awareness of the population issues including the sensitive issues faced by women as well as economic crises that cause poverty. World Population Day reminds us to make continuous efforts to bring changes in our lives and helps keep the resources for the future generation. The day also focuses on bringing changes in people’s perceptions by encouraging them to make the environment better for future generations. Additionally, it also focuses on creating a sustainable world for the current generation too, as it is being envisioned by Agenda Sustainable Goals 2030.

Mark this World Population Day 2023 using these top images, messages, quotes, drawings, posters, banners and slogans to create awareness-

Best World Population Day 2023 Messages, Quotes, Images, Posters, Banners, Drawings, and Slogans

World Population Day

“On Population Day, let’s come together to raise awareness about the importance of sustainable population growth for a better future for all.”

World Population Day 2023

“This World Population Day, let’s educate ourselves and others about the challenges of overpopulation and its impact on resources, the environment, and social well-being.”

World Population Day 2023 Theme

“Population growth affects us all. On this International Population Day, let’s promote family planning, gender equality, and access to healthcare to ensure a balanced and prosperous world.”

World Population Day Quotes

“World Population Day reminds us that every person counts. Let’s work towards eradicating poverty, reducing inequality, and ensuring basic human rights for all, regardless of their population size.”

“This World Population Day, let’s advocate for comprehensive sex education and reproductive health services to empower individuals to make informed choices and plan their families responsibly.”

World Population Day Images

“A sustainable future begins with responsible population management. On this World Population Day, let’s promote sustainable development practices and strive for a world where resources are shared equitably.”

World Population Day Messages

“Empowering women is key to achieving sustainable population growth. Let’s invest in education, healthcare, and economic opportunities for women and girls to create a brighter future for all.”

World Population Day Posters

“World Population Day reminds us of the importance of protecting our planet. Let’s adopt sustainable lifestyles, reduce our carbon footprint, and preserve our natural resources for future generations.”

World Population Day Banners

“Let’s break the silence on population issues. On this World Population Day, engage in open discussions, share knowledge, and promote understanding to address the challenges and opportunities of population growth.”

World Population Day Slogans

“Every individual deserves a life of dignity and opportunity. On World Population Day, let’s unite to ensure access to education, healthcare, and employment for all, creating a world where everyone can thrive.”

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