
Are you troubled by dark circles below your eyes? Know easy tips to overcome

Today’s runaway life has its challenges. Amidst these challenges, we are not able to take care of our health properly. Also, a man sits in front of a computer or laptop and works for 10 to 12 hours. This lifestyle gives good comforts to human beings, but this lifestyle also has its challenges.

Most people doing desk jobs are troubled by the problem of dark circles around their eyes. Dark circles can be alarm bells for anyone. Dark circles mean that the eyes and the muscles around it are becoming weaker. So you should be careful about it.

Cucumber therapy

Cucumber therapy can be used to reduce the problem of dark circles. For this, place a piece of cucumber on the eyes. After keeping the eye closed for some time, turn it lightly on the dark area. By doing this, there will be less blackness around the eyes will also go away.

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Rogan Almond Massage

Mix half teaspoon rogan almond, three drops orange oil and two drops honey before going to bed at night. Massage this mixture in the round finger lightly around the eyes with the index finger. This will give a lot of benefit and the blackness under the eyes will slowly go away.


T-bags used on dark circles can also be used. The element present in T-bags, tannin reduces inflammation and darkness around the eyes.

Fit diet

Take milk, yogurt, citrus fruits, pulses, green vegetables, sprouted grains, etc. in your diet. Apart from this, include more and more colorful foods such as yellow bell paper, red bell paper, tomato etc. in your food. This will help you in removing dark circle under the eyes.

Full sleep

Our skin also needs rest. Therefore, to maintain its beauty, a deep sleep is very much needed. Dark circles may also occur under the eyes due to poor sleep or poor sleep. Therefore it is very important that you must have a deep sleep of 6-7 hours at night.

Mamta Chaudhary

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