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Are you ready for summers this year: Things you should know?

It’s March, and the temperatures have begun to soar high, leaving everyone feeling exhausted, sweaty, and messed up. Our body tends to lose water faster due to excessive sweating.

There are still two months to go, but we are already feeling restless and irritating due to the unbearable heatwaves.

Therefore, we thought of coming up with an article that will compile almost every remedy to help you keep cool (physically and mentally).

So, are you ready for this hot weather?

But, first, let’s understand how summers affect us

How do summers affect us?

Summers are not only about vacations, camps and chill-outs, but also about and sweltering weather, dust, sweat, and exhaustion.

It affects our health, performance, and environment. Prolonged exposure to extreme heat causes exhaustion, cramps, heat stroke, and even death. It triggers chronic conditions such as various respiratory, cerebral, and cardiovascular diseases.

Heat causes air pollution and air quality to worsen, which increases respiratory problems and leads to disease.

Warmer weather makes allergies and asthma even worse.

Summer and loss of electrolytes due to sweat is another huge problem that may cause severe health conditions like fatigue, dizziness, and unconsciousness.

Looking at this year’s summer, it seems it’s gonna take a lot out of us. Two more months to go, and we are already exhausted.

Why we need extra energy in summers?

We need extra energy to fight the fatigue, exhaustion, and energy loss in summers. The ill-effects mentioned above, of the summer season may result in low productivity, extreme irritation, and health problems, both physical and mental. This may further affect our daily routine, regular activities, and work performance.

How to get ready for summer?

  • Keep yourself hydrated. During summers, water and electrolytes are lost as a consequence of sweating. In some situations, sweat losses can be sufficient to cause excessive water/electrolyte imbalances and impair performance.

Staying hydrated is the most crucial factor in keeping going in this sweltering heat and maintaining good health.

While water is the utmost vital drink to quench thirst, you can try special summer beverages like Glucose based energy drinks, enriched with electrolytes and vitamins, that not only satisfy your thirst but also keep your body cool. 

  • Dress Up in Light Cloths

Take out all the light cotton clothes from your wardrobe. Bright colors with skin-friendly fabric are the best choice. Avoid wearing black color clothes, as black absorbs more heat and makes you hotter.

  • Take proper nutrition

Plan your diet according to the weather. Include sweet and cooling foods like Watermelon, cauliflower, Cucumber, Curd, Coconut water, Mint, Green leafy vegetables, Onions, Melons, ghee, etc.

Avoid hot, spicy, and sour foods in summer, as they will increase the heat in your body and make you feel hotter. 

Ensure you add Vitamin C to your diet for healthier, smoother, and younger-looking skin. Giving yourself a Vitamin C boost will help you protect your skin from harsh U.V. rays in the summers.

  • Take care of children, as they are the most prone to catch infections during summer. It’s also a time of the year when children get their vacations, hence proper planning of their vacations is a must.
  • Schedule outdoor activities carefully to not meet the direct sun rays for a longer time of the day. Stay in the shade as much as possible. Avoid direct sunlight and excessive activity during the hottest part of the day as it can be draining. If you prefer biking and running, try to save it for the early morning and evening when the temperature is slightly cooler.
  • Take cool showers or baths to keep yourself cool. (take care you do not waste the water)
  • Keep your doors and windows open, but make sure the curtains are closed. This way, the hot heat waves may not enter directly into your house, and the room will stay ventilated.
  • Avoid drinking ice-cold water, very sour juices, milk, and yogurt, based drinks as it may disrupt the digestion process and create toxins in the body leading to low immunity. 
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to computers and T.V. at night before going to bed. Sleep is the time when our mind and body go through repairs and rejuvenation. Try gentle yoga, meditation, listen to soothing sounds of water, or take moonlight walks in the evening. It will be both relaxing and soft for the mind and body.
  • Apply sunscreen lotions daily. This may help your skin stay hydrated and infection-free. The sun rays may also cause rashes; hence try using sun coats, stoles, scarfs, hats, handkerchiefs as much as possible.


The article aims not to scare you, but to prepare you for the hot summer weather. According to American research, summers are getting hotter year by year. Of course, humans are a significant cause of this warming up of our beloved planet with our nature opposing activities.

Therefore, it is necessary not to get affected by the temperature ups and downs and stay healthy and chill.

Mamta Chaudhary

Hi, I am a Dietician, Doctor and Gym Trainer. Keep You Update With Cooking, Healthy Diets, Fitness, Gym and Yoga's to Keep You Fit and Healthy.

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