Brianna Coppage Video Goes Viral On Twitter, Reddit; Sparks Controversy

A viral video of a high school teacher named Brianna Coppage has been trending on the internet and social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit. The video is quite sexually explicit. It has been revealed that the teacher was living a double life.

Publicly she was a high school teacher by profession but behind closed doors, she has an OF account where she used to share her intimate photos and videos to her exclusive subscribers.

Brianna Coppage Video
Image Credit: @bricoppage/Instagram

Here we are gonna be diving into the story and finding out why it is trending all over the internet. Keep scrolling- 

Watch the video of Brianna Coppage trending all over social media handles

As mentioned above, a high school teacher Brianna Coppage alleged intimate video has been spreading like wildfire on various social media handles. As per news reports, she had an additional income of $10,000 a month just by sharing her sexually explicit photos.

Brianna Coppage OF Video Viral on twitter
Image Credit: @bricoppage/Instagram

The minute her OF account came into the limelight, it went viral. The mother of two goes by a different name on the internet i.e. Brooklyn Love. Reportedly her image has set fire in a small town in Missouri.  

In the meantime, people are also siding with her over her bold move to support her family. Her complicated life has become a national headline. The public on the internet is curious to see theviral video but reportedly it has been removed due to its adult content.

Brianna Coppage and Megan Gaither Together
Image Credit: @bricoppage/Instagram

Also Read: Missouri Teacher Megan Gaither Leaked Photos and Videos From OF Viral On Twitter, Reddit

At the same time, many copies have been made which can be easily found on other adult websites. We urge our readers not to watch or share such a video as it can hamper a person’s reputation in the public eye. People on Twitter are demanding strict laws and guidelines to tackle such situations in the future. 

Brianna Coppage Wiki Biodata

Full NameBrianna Coppage
Birth Year1995
BirthplaceMissouri, USA
FamilyParents, Brother (Andrew Coppage)
Marital StatusMarried to Phillip Coppage
EducationBachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education
UniversityMissouri State University (Graduated 2018)
CareerEnglish Teacher at St. Clair High School
Height5 feet 5 inches (165 cm)
Weight119.9 pounds (54.4 kg)
Eye ColorHazel
Hair ColorBlonde
Net Worth (Estimated)$150,000
Online AliasBrooklin Love (on OFans)
Monthly Earnings (OF)Increased from $9.99 to $19.99 per subscriber
Teaching SalaryApproximately $42,000 (below national average)
AdvocacyBetter pay for teachers, acceptance for sex workers
Social MediaInstagram, Facebook, Twitter


Who is Brianna Coppage, and why is she trending on the internet?

Brianna Coppage is a high school teacher who gained internet notoriety due to the circulation of sexually explicit content from her OF account, where she went by the name Brooklyn Love.

How much income did Brianna Coppage reportedly earn from her OF account?

According to news reports, Brianna Coppage was earning an additional income of $10,000 a month by sharing sexually explicit photos on her OF account.

Why has the video of Brianna Coppage been removed from the internet?

The video has been removed due to its adult content, but copies of it can still be found on other adult websites.

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