Easter Monday 2024 Wishes, Images, Messages, Quotes, Greetings, Sayings, Cliparts and Captions

Easter is one of the most jovial festivals in the Christian community. It is a celebration of Jesus Christ’s resurrection. Easter Monday is the final day in the Holy Week before people get back to their regular lives.

In many countries, it is regarded as a public holiday.  Back in the 15th century, Easter Monday was celebrated for the first time. Monday right after Easter Sunday holds a crucial religious importance in Christian religion. 

As per the New Testament of the Bible, Jesus’s resurrection occurred exactly three days after his crucifixion by Pontius Pilate. He died on a cross somewhere around 30 A.D. The day ends the “Passion of Christ”, events and holidays that start with Lent, 40 days of fasting, sacrifice and prayer and ends with Holy Week. It also includes Good Friday (Jesus’ crucifixion is observed), Holy Thursday (Jesus’ Last Supper with his 12 disciples and lastly Easter Sunday. 

St. Bede the Venerable, the 6th-century author of “Ecclesiastical History of the English People” stated that the word Easter is derived from Eostrae or Eostre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of fertility and spring.

The celebration of Easter denotes the final confirmation of all the things that Jesus has preached and taught in his 3-year ministry. The many cases, Easter Monday is all about new life, rebirth and restoration of life after death.

Easter Monday is celebrated differently based on different countries. In some places, it is remembering Christ’s death and resurrection thus marking the outdoor procession. While others like to celebrate it in a more playful tone like organising Easter egg-rolling competitions. A tradition used to symbolize the rolling of the stone from the tomb where the body of Jesus was kept.

Discover heartfelt Easter Monday 2024 wishes, images, messages, quotes, greetings, sayings, cliparts, and captions to share joy and blessings with loved ones.

Easter Monday 2024 Wishes, Images, Messages, and Quotes

Happy Easter! Enjoy this special day.

“May this Easter Monday bring you a sense of renewal and promise for the future. Wishing you a day filled with joy and laughter.”

Easter Monday

“Happy Easter Monday! May your day be blessed with happiness, peace, and love with your dear ones.”

Spreading a message of love and hope.

Easter Monday 2024

“As we celebrate Easter Monday, let’s remember the hope and joy that comes with the season. May your heart be filled with contentment and gratitude.”

I wish we could be together on this holy day. Happy Easter!

Easter Monday Wishes

“Wishing you a beautiful Easter Monday filled with the freshness of spring and new beginnings. Enjoy this wonderful day!”

Spring is sprung and Easter is here!

Easter Monday Images

Greetings, Sayings, Cliparts and Captions

“Happy Easter Monday! May this day be a continuation of the joy and blessings we celebrate during Easter.”

“He is not here; he has risen!” —Luke 24:6-7

Easter Monday Messages

“Let the spirit of Easter Monday fill your home with peace, love, and joy. Have a blessed day!”

May your day be full of light.

Easter Monday Quotes

“Easter Monday is a day to rejoice and be thankful for the gift of life, love, and joy. Wishing you a very special day with your loved ones.”

No bunny loves you like I do!

“May the miracle of Easter brighten your life with joy and peace. Happy Easter Monday to you and your family!”

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