International Yoga Day 2021: Yoga Asanas to Ease Symptoms of Depression and Support Mental Health

Whether you have a let’s get over with it attitude or are a fitness fanatic, it is difficult to deny the many benefits of working out. And yoga is no exception! It can improve flexibility and reduce chronic pain, but most importantly, yoga has many mental health benefits. When you inhale and stretch will always have a sense of relief by the end of the session. When you are going through a genuinely upsetting phase in your life, yoga can enable you to accomplish something beyond that somewhat feel better. Studies have shown that yoga improved symptoms of depression for people living with a range of mental health conditions, including anxiety and post-traumatic stress. These yoga asanas can help ease depressive symptoms.

Sukhasana or Easy Pose

Lie down on your back, stretch your legs and keep your hands beside your body. Lift your upper body to sit with your legs stretched out. Now fold the right leg and tug it inside the left thigh. Then fold the left leg and tug it inside the right thigh. Sit erect and place your palms on the knees. Depression And Suicide: Top Myths Busted To Spread Mental Health Awareness!

Vajrasana or Thunderbolt Pose

Sit with your knees close together and heels slightly apart. Place your pelvis on your heels and keep palms facing down on your knees. Your spine and neck should be upright and be sure not to arch your back.

Observe your posture and make necessary adjustments, so you experience perfect alignment. How to Recognise Depression? Answer These Questions to Know When to Reach out for Help!

Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend

Begin with dandasan and drop legs down on floor keeping them together. Lift your upper body and stretch your hands up with palms facing each other Keep knees straight and bend forward from the lower back. Bring your hands down and holds the big toes with fingers and thumbs. Place your upper body on the lower body and hold the pose for 10 seconds.

Brahmari Pranayama

Sit comfortably in sukhasana and keep your spine erect. Plug both ears with the thumb and place your index finger on the forehead. The two middle fingers should be placed on the eyes. The little finger should gently pressurise the bottom of each nostril. Raise your elbows to shoulder level and take a deep inhale. Exhale making a buzzing sound like that of a bee while keeping mouth slightly opened. Mental Health Awareness Month 2021: Are Depression and Anxiety Real Illnesses? Mental Health Queries Answered to Help You Decipher Fact from Fiction!

Perform them every single day of your life, and you will be able to push yourself towards tranquillity and positivity.

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