
80+ Skeleton Jokes and Puns To Make You Laugh Out Loud 2023



Whenever we think about skeletons, creepy vibes are the first thing that we experience. During the festival of Halloween, houses are decorated with skeletons to show fake human corpses. When it comes to jokes, skeleton jokes are the best way to crack a smile If you have a science or biology background then these jokes will help you in creating a positive impact among your peers. Skeletons can be used for decorations as well as using it as a joke to break the ice during public gatherings. Using jokes helps in tuning your capabilities and sensibilities. It polishes our personality and brings out our character’s lighter side. If you have a great sense of humour then it helps you to express your inner self freely without any hesitations. 

Make sure to check the jokes before you say it in front of the other as most of them can be termed as offensive or as an insult. Sometimes it can make people feel bad about themselves instead of making the environment jovial. They always have a cute manner to say your jokes and land them perfectly. If you are looking for funny short jokes then we are here to help you out. 

If you have some good skeleton jokes then you can easily connect with new people including kids. Kids love to enjoy the company of those who make them smile. Practising delivering the joke will make you their favourite human in their home-safe environment. Many believe the time of small jokes is gone but that is completely false. Everyone loves the company that makes them forget their daily stress and makes them laugh and feel good about themselves. Listed below are some of the best skeleton jokes and puns that you can use to break the ice and create a good impression among your friends, peers or colleagues. Keep scrolling-


Funny Skeleton Jokes and Puns

Why are skeletons so calm?

Because nothing gets under their skin.

Skeleton Jokes

Why didn’t the skeleton go to the dance?

Because he had no body to dance with.


What do you call a skeleton with no friends?


Skeleton Jokes and Puns

What’s a skeleton’s favorite plant?

A bone-zai.


Why can’t skeletons play church music?

Because they have no organs.

Hilarious Skeleton Puns

What do you call a skeleton who goes out in the snow?

A numb-skull.


Why didn’t the skeleton laugh at the joke?

Because he didn’t have a funny bone.

What does a skeleton order at a restaurant?

Spare ribs.

What does a skeleton order at a restaurant?

Spare ribs.


How do French skeletons say hello?


Why did the skeleton go to the party alone?

Because he had no body to go with him!

Why did the skeleton go to the party alone?

Because he had no body to go with him!


How did the skeleton know it was going to rain?

He could feel it in his bones!

What do you call a skeleton who won’t do any work?

Lazy bones!

What do you call a skeleton who won’t do any work?

Lazy bones!


Why did the skeleton go to the doctor?

Because he was feeling a little bonely!

What kind of plate does a skeleton use for dinner?

A bone plate!

What kind of plate does a skeleton use for dinner?

A bone plate!


Why did the skeleton stay up all night?

Because he had a bone to pick with someone!

What do you call a skeleton that lies on the beach all day?

A sun-bleached bone!

What do you call a skeleton that lies on the beach all day?

A sun-bleached bone!


Why did the skeleton cross the road?

To get to the body shop!

What do you call a skeleton that always tells lies?

A fibula!

What do you call a skeleton that always tells lies?

A fibula!


Why did the skeleton join the football team?

Because he had a lot of backbone!

What do you call a skeleton that plays piano?

A skull-tist!

What do you call a skeleton that plays piano?

A skull-tist!


How do you know if a skeleton is lying to you?

You can see right through him!

Hilarious Skeleton Jokes

What do you call a skeleton who uses a smartphone?

A mobile bone!


Why don’t skeletons fight each other?

They don’t have the guts!

Hilarious Skeleton Puns

What did the skeleton say when he was asked to dance?

“I don’t have the body for it!”


Why did the skeleton go to the movie theater alone?

Because he didn’t have a soulmate!

What do you call a skeleton that is always happy and laughing?


A humerus bone!

What do you call a skeleton that is always happy and laughing?

A humerus bone!

What do you call a skeleton that won’t take a bath?

A stinkin’ bone!

What did the skeleton say to his girlfriend?


“I love you to the bone!”

What did the skeleton say to his girlfriend?

"I love you to the bone!"

How do you make a skeleton laugh?

Tickling its funny bone!

Why did the skeleton go to the bar?


To get a vertebratini!

Why did the skeleton go to the bar?

To get a vertebratini!

What do you call a skeleton that is afraid of everything?

A fraidy bone!

What do you call a skeleton that likes to stay up late at night?


A night bone!

Why did the skeleton go to the party with a clock?

Because he wanted to have a bone-time!

Why did the skeleton go to the party with a clock?

Because he wanted to have a bone-time!

What do you call a skeleton that is always cold?

A bone-chiller!

Why did the skeleton go to the barbecue?

To get a spare rib!


What do you call a skeleton that is always on the move?

A mobile bone!

Why did the skeleton go to the concert alone?


He didn’t have a soul to go with him!

Why did the skeleton go to the concert alone?

He didn’t have a soul to go with him!

What do you call a skeleton that has been sitting in a chair for too long?

A chair bone!

Why did the skeleton go to the art museum?


To see bone-a-lisa!

What do you call a skeleton that has a lot of attitude?

A bone-head!


Why don’t skeletons play music in church?

They have no organs!

What did the skeleton say when he was invited to a party?


“I’ll be there, bone-afide!”

Hilarious Skeleton Jokes and Skeleton Puns

What do you call a skeleton that loves to swim?

A swim-bone!

Why did the skeleton go to the library?


To bone up on his studies!

What do you call a skeleton that likes to play practical jokes?

A funny bone!


What did the skeleton say when he saw the black cat?

“I’m bone to be wild!”

What do you call a skeleton that can’t stop talking?


A chatter-bone!

Why don’t skeletons like parties?

They have no flesh and blood to enjoy themselves!


What do you call a skeleton that is good at math?

A calcu-late bone!

Why don’t skeletons like to fight?


They don’t have the guts for it!

What do you call a skeleton that is always telling jokes?

A humerus comedian!


What do you call a skeleton that is a terrible driver?

A wrecking bone!

Why did the skeleton refuse to go skydiving?


He was scared he would lose his head!

What do you call a skeleton that loves to dance?

A boogie bone!


Why did the skeleton go to the party dressed as a ghost?

He couldn’t find any flesh to wear!

What do you call a skeleton that is always looking for trouble?


A trouble bone!

What do you call a skeleton that likes to travel?

A globe-trotter bone!


Why did the skeleton refuse to eat the sushi?

He was afraid it would get stuck in his ribs!

What do you call a skeleton that likes to play football?


A bone-crusher!

Why did the skeleton refuse to get a job?

He didn’t have the guts to work!


What do you call a skeleton that plays the guitar?

A fretting bone!

Why did the skeleton go to the party dressed as a pirate?


Because he wanted to find his treasure chest!

What do you call a skeleton that loves to read?

A book spine!


Why did the skeleton refuse to eat spicy food?

He couldn’t handle the heat!

What do you call a skeleton that works in a laboratory?


A test-tube bone!

Why did the skeleton go to the party with his dog?

Because he didn’t want to be bone-ly!


What do you call a skeleton that loves to knit?

A skele-knitter!

Why did the skeleton go to the party with his guitar?


Because he wanted to play some bone-chilling tunes!

What do you call a skeleton that is always borrowing money?

A bone of contention!


Why did the skeleton go to the barbershop?

To get a boney cut!

What do you call a skeleton that is always afraid?


A scaredy-bone!

Why did the skeleton go to the party dressed as a doctor?

Because he wanted to bone up on his medical skills!


What do you call a skeleton that is always hungry?

A munching bone!

Why did the skeleton go to the party with a rose?


Because he wanted to give his bone-sweetheart a bone-quet!

What do you call a skeleton that is always playing pranks?

A bone-rascal!


Why did the skeleton go to the dentist?

To get his teeth straightened out!

What do you call a skeleton that is always running late?


A bone-fide procrastinator!

Why did the skeleton go to the gym?

To work on his bone structure!


What do you call a skeleton that is always thirsty?

A bone-dry drinker!

Why did the skeleton go to the party with a dictionary?


Because he wanted to bone up on his vocabulary!

What do you call a skeleton that is always watching TV?

A couch bone!


Why did the skeleton go to the party dressed as a superhero?

Because he wanted to bone-up his crime-fighting skills!

What do you call a skeleton that is always cleaning?


A bone-tidy!

Why did the skeleton go to the party dressed as a chef?

Because he wanted to bone up on his cooking skills!


What do you call a skeleton that is always playing video games?

A bone-controller!

Why did the skeleton go to the pet store?


To buy some bone-a-fide treats for his bone-dog!

What do you call a skeleton that is always playing sports?

A bone-jock!


Why did the skeleton go to the party with a map?

Because he wanted to bone up on his geography!

What do you call a skeleton that is always lost?


A bonehead navigator!

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading our collection of ‘Funny Skeleton Jokes and Puns.’



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