
Tisha B’Av 2022: Best Wishes, Quotes, Greetings, Messages, Posters, and Images



Judaism observes a significant day of mourning that includes fasting on the ninth of Av, the 5th month of the Hebrew calendar, also known as Tisha B’av. It is commonly considered the most depressing day in the faith and marks the conclusion of three weeks of sorrow. It honors several disasters from the early history of the Jewish people, particularly the demolition of the First and Second Shrines in Jerusalem (586 B.C. and A.D. 70). During the first century A.D., the festival originally appeared as Tisha B’av for the year commences at sunset on Saturday, August 6, and ends at midnight on Sunday, August 7.

On this day, a lot of people will be: Fasting (refraining from consuming any type of food or drink), Visiting departed loved ones, and Listening to the Book of Lamentations at a synagogue.

Many people assemble near the Western Wall, the remains of the Temple Mount, in Israel.


The existence of evil throughout the world, regardless of whether we wish it to or not, is one of the key themes to concentrate on during Tisha B’av. How can we change the world so that everyone can live in kindness and welcome? What do you do, either by yourself or with your children, to meaningfully give back?

It is perhaps the only day in Judaism where a 25-hour fast is observed, thus you may have noticed that it has a lot in common with Yom Kippur in terms of prohibitions. Yom Kippur is a festival prescribed by the Torah, but Tisha B’av is a day of sorrow.

These two days, according to Dr. Shaul Magid, a doctor of Jewish study and active rabbi, “seem to depict two opposed states of mind.” We emphasize repentance and making restitution for sins committed in the previous year during Yom Kippur. But It is essentially a day for contemplating the hardship of the Jewish people.


Best Wishes, Quotes, Greetings, Messages, Posters, and Images On Tisha B’Av

Tisha B'Av

“Tisha B’Av is the day to wallow a day of great tragedy and a time to remember the tens of thousands of Jews who were murdered for their beliefs.”

Tisha B'Av Quotes

“Celebrated by the Jewish, Tisha B’Av is a day to pray, fast and cry for all the miseries that their ancestors have faced.”

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Tisha B'Av 2022 Messages

Happy Tisha B’Av Pals!

Tisha B'Av Greetings


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