
World AIDS Vaccine Day 2022 Theme: When And How Is It Celebrated



May 18 is celebrated worldwide as World AIDS Vaccine Day, with the aim of raising awareness of the vaccine and educating people about AIDS. Along with this, this day is also dedicated to those doctors, scientists who are constantly trying to prevent it, whether it is research or the manufacture of vaccines. This day is also known as AIDS Vaccine Awareness Day.

How Did The Celebration Of World AIDS Vaccine Day Begin?

The idea to celebrate World AIDS Vaccine Day came from a speech by President Bill Clinton at Morgan State University on May 18, 1997. In which Clinton said, “Only the HIV vaccine can reduce the risk of AIDS.”

Importance Of World AIDS Vaccine Day

On the day of World AIDS Vaccine Day, all those people who have been involved in the research and development of vaccines for the prevention, control of AIDS for years are welcomed and honored. It is really a big contribution in keeping the society healthy. AIDS has been included in the list of dangerous diseases. In 1981, AIDS was first reported in the United States and has since become an epidemic.


What Is AIDS?

AIDS is an acronym for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. In a person suffering from AIDS, the virus completely destroys the body’s immunity by damaging the white blood cells which are the policemen of the body which destroys disease causing pathogens and keep the body disease free. As a result the patient’s condition gradually becomes serious. In case of not getting treatment at the right time, the person can die. Therefore, on this day people are told about the importance and need of the vaccine.

Even after so many years, the awareness about AIDS among the people is low. People ignore its symptoms. Symptoms of AIDS include fever, swollen glands, sore throat, excessive night sweats, muscle pain, headache, extreme tiredness, and body rashes. It is very important to contact the doctor about these symptoms on time.



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