
Baby in the crib – what do you do if he stands and does not go to sleep?



A baby in the crib can be very cute, especially if he is sleeping or playing because we get to see him in peaceful and cute moments. It could very well be that you will wake up one night from his crying, you will go to his room and he will just stand in the crib and cry.

The first thing you need to pay attention to when this happens is whether the area is safe. If they were able to stand, it was not too late the moment they would try to climb out and it could be very dangerous. On the other hand, you should know that if he starts waking up at night and standing in the crib, you probably will not sleep too much in the coming nights.

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To stop this phenomenon as soon as possible, there are two main ways to do this and exactly what we want to talk about today.  

This can be a serious problem

Baby in the crib – what’s the problem?

More than the fact that he is standing in the crib is an optional safety issue (and your lack of sleep hours is also an issue in itself), the really big issue is that the child has no idea not to go back to sleep. There is something psychological there that many times (not always and not all children), they just fail to return to a lying position. It causes them to just keep crying until someone arrives or they just fall asleep standing up.


If this happens and they fall asleep standing up, a recurring circle opens here where they get up, cry, fall asleep standing up, at some point get up again because it is uncomfortable to sleep standing up and come back for goodness sake.

If your child is already doing this and you are a little helpless about how to stop it, we will immediately present you with two ways to stop this phenomenon.

It can happen a lot.


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Baby in the crib – prevention methods

First of all, in both ways, you will have to be emotionless towards your child. Yes, it will be difficult but it is very important and even critical to success. The first way is to say that when he is standing in his crib, you should approach him and just lay him back to sleep.

Sounds easy right? We are sorry to tell you that shekel is not. Your baby will almost certainly wake up as quickly as you put him back to sleep. If this happens, you need to put him back to sleep. He will want you to lift him to you, he may want to play if he is a little awake but you must show him that at the moment it’s time to sleep, and no matter what, you do not take him out of the crib.


He probably won’t stay that way long

This path requires a lot of patience from you. Chances are he won’t go back to sleep after the first or even the second time you put him back to bed. Parents testified that they had to lay their child back more than 50 times until the child remained to lie down and did not stand up again. Of course, this method also has advantages and its biggest advantage is that it works. Slowly, as the nights go by, you will need to put your child to bed less and less and he will realize that when this happens, he needs to go back to sleep. 

The second way is a little harder, both for you and your child. This method advocates that the child has to fend for himself. If he gets up and starts crying, you should let him try to go back to sleep alone. We are not saying you should not approach him, on the contrary, you should approach him because if you do not he will probably continue to cry non-stop. The implication is that you must not pick it up and lay it back down and of course not take it out of the crib.

Go to him, sit next to him and even give him a hand but again, do not lift him in any way. The purpose of this method is to get the child to go back to sleep independently. At some point, he will have to figure out how to get back to sitting and from there to lying down.


This method is a little more difficult because in this method the child cries more because there is less interaction between him and the parents. Some parents prefer not to even approach him and let him manage on his own but other parents testified that they tried this method, approached the child, and sat next to him but he still did not stop crying because they did nothing beyond that. If you have patience (and your neighbors too), you can try this way. She will teach your child to get by on his own and that is always a good thing.

If your baby is standing in the crib, this can definitely be a problem. It can be solved by the two methods we have presented and if you were able to do it in another way, we would love to hear about it. Good luck and good night. 

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Common questions

Baby in the crib – how to put a standing baby back to sleep?

To resolve the matter, you should just lay him down several times until he stays lying down and does not get up again. This may take time.

Baby in the crib – why is this happening?


It happens because the child wants to stand for all sorts of reasons. He may no longer be tired, he may be uncomfortable and the like.

Baby in the crib – why do they just not lie back?

They just fail to do it on their own and it has to be done for them.



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