
BJP MLA from Karnataka claims Infosys did not deliver on promised job creation in Hubballi

Infosys Accused of Failing to Generate Jobs in Hubballi: BJP MLA

Bangalore-based IT giant Infosys has come under fire from BJP MLA Arvind Bellad during the Karnataka assembly session. Bellad accused Infosys of not creating any jobs at its Hubballi campus despite acquiring 58 acres of land in his constituency. He demanded that the land be taken back from the company. The heated discussion took place during a debate on local employment opportunities at industrial establishments.

In a tweet, Bellad expressed his disappointment, saying, “Betrayal at its finest! @Infosys promised jobs, but all we got were empty promises and trees. #Infosys #Hubli was granted 58 acres of land which is in my constituency with the aim of fostering employment for the entire North Karnataka region, yet it has failed to deliver on job promises.”

Bellad also brought to light the discrepancy in the amount paid by Infosys for the land, stating that they acquired it from farmers for ₹35 lakhs per acre, much less than its actual value of ₹1.5 crore.

Meanwhile, Karnataka Industries Minister MB Patil has assured a thorough investigation into the matter. He stated that if land losers are not provided jobs based on their educational qualifications, the government can impose penalties and even withdraw incentives from the company.

Infosys, however, has remained silent on the issue. The company has not responded to the accusations made by Bellad and the subsequent investigation promised by the state government.

The controversy surrounding Infosys and its alleged failure to generate employment in Hubballi continues to unfold, causing concern and raising questions about the company’s commitments to the local community and its use of the land acquired for its campus.

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