
Dr Cheryl Pruitt Advantages of Education 2021

Education is as essential to our survival as the air we breathe. It is the most important thing a person can own. Education is important in many aspects of life, particularly personal and social ones, and it is the only thing that you cannot lose. Education is crucial since it will open doors to new possibilities. A decent education is as crucial as the air we breathe in today’s competitive environment since it is our weapon for conquering the world according to Cheryl Pruitt. Education will assist you in developing as a person since the more knowledge you have, the greater understanding you will have of any situation that may arise. It will make you feel good about yourself and increase your self-assurance. As individuals, we are aware that it will benefit us in a variety of ways. It will provide us with financial security since we will be able to secure a decent job with a good salary.

We’ll figure out how to spend my money and how to invest it wisely. People will appreciate and acknowledge us more if we have a higher level of education. Knowledge is extremely valuable, which is why we must treat it as such. It’s the most powerful weapon you can have in this complicated world. Nobody can fool you if you have a strong education, and you will not tolerate maltreatment from others. If you are well educated, you will have a better perspective on life. Here are some more advantages that we will get through education:

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1. Reduces Poverty

Many children living in extreme poverty lack access to basic education, which is widely seen as the fundamental cause of poverty as per Dr Cheryl Pruitt. If all students left school with basic reading abilities, for example, 171 million people could be pulled out of extreme poverty. This corresponds to a 12% decrease in the global total. Furthermore, the Education Commission’s recommendations for improving learning could help reduce absolute poverty by 30%.

2. Gives Confidence

Many people regard your college degree as proof of your knowledge. If you are educated, you have a better chance of being heard and treated seriously. Due to a lack of confidence, an ignorant man will find it more difficult to convey his thoughts and beliefs. Even if he does, he might not be taken seriously. You gain the confidence to communicate your thoughts and opinions as a result of your education.

3. Higher Salaries

One of the advantages of schooling is the opportunity to make more money. A well-educated individual has a better chance of landing a better-paying job. For example, for each additional year of education, incomes grow by around 10%. Higher education allows students to specialize in specific disciplines, which opens up a plethora of career options.

4. Makes World a Better Place

Our understanding of right and wrong is heavily influenced by our education. An educated individual is aware of the implications of wrong/illegal activities and is, therefore, less likely to be swayed and do something that is not legally/morally correct. In addition, several illiterate people who live in poverty and lack chances often resort to unlawful means to solve their problems, such as theft and robbery. You are well aware of your rights, the law, and your societal responsibilities if you are educated. As a result, education is a critical role in promoting social harmony and peace.

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5. Promotes Equality

Education is required if we wish to see the world as a just and fair environment where everyone has equal opportunity. If we wish to eliminate the existing gaps between social classes and genders, we must invest in education. It opens up a whole new world of opportunities for the poor, allowing them to compete on an equal footing for well-paying jobs. Women’s empowerment is also aided by education.

ali raza

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