
Everything you should know about male infertility treatment



Infertility is failing to get pregnant or conceive despite well-timed and unprotected sex for about a year. In India, about 15% of couples fall under the infertile category. Among them, approximately 50% could not have a baby due to male factor infertility. These numbers go on to prove how common male infertility is. However, the good news is you can easily get past this problem with an appropriate male infertility treatment.

What is male infertility?

When a couple is unable to conceive due to certain issues faced by the male partner, we’re looking at male infertility. Some of the most common reasons for male infertility are:


● Low sperm count

● Immature, abnormally shaped, or immotile sperms 

● Hormone or pituitary gland problems


● History of sexual problems

● Erectile dysfunction

● Premature ejaculation 


One of the simplest ways to establish male infertility and assess the gravity of the situation is through semen analysis. It is a simple test that uses the semen sample to determine sperm count and quality (shape and motility). 

While the sperm count of 15 million-200 million sperm per millilitre (mL) of semen is considered normal, anything below 15 million sperm per mL is considered low. Also, a healthy sample would comprise an abundant number of motile sperms with the perfect shape—an oval head and a tail. Low numbers of motile sperms or right-shaped sperms indicate male infertility.  

Common factors affecting the sperm count and quality

Just like any other aspect of your health, many factors affect your sperm count and quality. The answer to how to overcome infertility in males starts with understanding where you could be going wrong in taking care of yourself. Here are some common lifestyle, environmental, and occupational factors that affect male fertility.


● Smoking

You know smoking is injurious to health. It not only increases the risk of cancer and respiratory disorders but also decreases your chances of having a healthy baby. Research reveals that oxidative stress caused due to smoking can negatively affect sperm count and shape—two of the major parameters of male fertility.

● Alcohol consumption


Alcohol, even in moderate amounts, can cause major problems in your ability to conceive. Among men, alcohol consumption affects fertility in more ways than one. Regular consumption of alcohol can lead to loss of libido, low testosterone levels, reduced sperm count, early ejaculation, decreased ejaculation, and more.

● Obesity

Obesity can lead to abnormally low levels of testosterone in a man. This, besides affecting other health aspects, can significantly affect sperm production. Research reveals that obese men are 42% more likely to have a low sperm count compared to normal-weight men.


● Other health conditions

In some cases, medical problems such as Type 2 diabetes, hormonal imbalance, cystic fibrosis, an autoimmune condition, or a poorly treated sexually transmitted infection may cause testicular failure. Any of these or a similar condition can lead to male infertility. In such cases, male infertility treatment would include treating the primary condition before progressing with fertility treatments. 

● Stress


High-stress levels can interfere with sperm production. Stress boosts the release of steroid hormones such as glucocorticoids which causes testosterone levels to drop. This results in inhibited sperm production in men and aggravates male infertility.

● Medicines and supplements

Intake of some medicines and supplements can affect the quality and quantity of sperm, resulting in male infertility. For example, anabolic steroids that boost muscle growth and strength can lead to testicular atrophy or shrinkage, and lower sperm production.


Male infertility treatment

Male infertility, like most other medical conditions, can be treated with lifestyle corrections, medication, and in severe cases, medical procedures. Male infertility treatment options would depend on the underlying cause(s) of infertility, and the health status of the partner.

● Lifestyle corrections

Lifestyle corrections to enhance your fertility include quitting smoking and limiting, if not avoiding completely, your alcohol consumption. If you fall under the obese or overweight category, then shed those extra kilograms to increase your chances of having a baby naturally. It will also help you avoid other risks associated with being overweight. Turn to a healthy diet and an active lifestyle.


● Medication

Today, how to overcome infertility in males is no more a complex question. In fact, many factors affecting male fertility can be easily resolved with the help of medication. Depending on the underlying cause of infertility, medication may include oral medicines and/or injections to boost sperm count and improve sperm morphology and motility. Hormone therapy can help if there are hormonal imbalances affecting fertility. Some lines of treatment may involve the use of antibiotics or gonadotropin therapy.

● Surgery


If the causes of male infertility are structural, then the doctor may opt to correct the problem through surgery. Some common male infertility-related surgical procedures include varicocele treatment, vasectomy reversal, and opening the sperm ducts to facilitate the easy flow of sperm. Discuss options with your doctor and agree only if you are convinced. 

While these steps will help you get a step closer to achieving your dream of having a baby, do not be disheartened if you fail to conceive despite many attempts. If you are concerned about running out of time or want to take your attempts at pregnancy to the next level, then consider Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) to treat infertility issues.

Common ART procedures include intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), and the cryopreservation (freezing) of sperm, eggs, and embryos. These procedures assist most functional sperm from the male partner in reaching the healthiest egg from the female partner to promote fertilization and create a healthy embryo that can develop into a baby.


Medical science has come far enough to get past the common challenges posed by male infertility and help couples embrace parenthood.


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