
KVS Admissions 2021: Class 1 registration begins in Kendriya Vidyalayas, here’s direct link and how to apply – education

KVS Admission 2021: Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has began the web registration course of for admission in Class 1 for educational session 2021-21 on its official web site

The net registration for Class 1 will shut on August 7 at 7pm. The registration for sophistication 2 onwards has additionally began on July 20 and will shut on July 25 at four pm if vacancies exist (in offline mode).

The primary provisionally chosen college students checklist for sophistication 1 can be launched on August 11, the second checklist can be out on April 9 whereas the third checklist can be out on April 23 (if seats stay vacant).

The registration for admission in Class II and onward (besides class Xi), topic to availability of seats, will begin on August 24 whereas the third checklist can be out on August 26, if the seats stay vacant.

Declaration of provisional choose checklist of candidates as per precedence service class for unreserved seats, if any (retaining the left over reserved seats blocked) can be performed from August 27 to 29.

The declaration of checklist of sophistication II onwards will happen on July 29 at four pm. Admission for sophistication 2 onwards college students will happen from July 30 to August 7.

In accordance to the official schedule, final date of admission for all lessons together with class 10th is September 15.

Check full schedule here

How to apply for KVS Admission 2021:

Guardians of scholars can apply for KVS Admission by means of the web admission portal at

Then click on the link that reads ‘Click here to register’

Read the instructions and check the box that reads “I have carefully gone through all sections and sub-sections of the instructions given above and I shall abide by all terms and conditions as per KVS admission guidelines.”

Click on ‘PROCEED’

Fill in all the required details like First, middle and last name of the child, date of birth, email ID, phone number etc. and click on ‘Register’

You will get your registration ID/Code on your SMS and email ID.

Proceed to apply for your desired Kendriya Vidyalaya, upload photo and documents by logging in

Fill in other details including, Basic information, Parents details,Choice of schools, Upload documents,Declaration and submit

Documents to be uploaded:

For admission to Std 1, certificate of proof of age in the form of a birth certificate issued by the authority competent to register births. This will include certificates from Notified Area Council / Municipality / Municipal Corporation / extract about the date of birth from records of Village Panchayat, Military Hospital and service records of Defence personnel. A scan/picture of this certificate must be uploaded on the online admission portal. The original certificate of date of birth should be produced before the Vidyalaya at the time of admission. This will be returned to the parent after verification by the Vidyalaya.

The author tweets @ NandiniJoruno

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