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Quarantine and Searching for Love: Opportunities and Risks of Online Dating

The novel coronavirus pandemic has transformed peoples’ approach to dating. Learn how online dating has changed relationships amid the current pandemic.



While the business closures and strict lockdown during the current pandemic have brought to a halt in-person connection, the online dating scene is still thriving. If you are wondering; are online dating sites worth it, there are plenty of reasons to follow this route.

Singles across the nation are turning to best dating sites in record numbers. The rules of dating are also changing to fit the new climate. This is why online dating and marriage statistics indicate a 30% rise in conversations in online dating applications.

The Rise of Digital Courtship

Online dating and COVID has brought about significant transformation in how people approach courtship. Many people turn to the top-rated dating applications for digital courtship through virtual activities and video chats as alternatives for movie nights and dinner. While the times may be tough, it’s not worth dismissing your dating life.


Lovers in relationships are taking time to get closer, while those who are single are building up catchy online profiles. As a single, it’s best to consider face to face via online dating applications. This is because online video calls bring out a different thrill than just chatting. 

Money and Sex Are Out of the Equation

The coronavirus pandemic has temporarily helped to solve the complex aspect of contemporary dating; Money and Sex. When singles meet up, they’re always unsure of what to do. That’s why at your first meeting, you’ll be asking yourself whether or not to kiss your partner. You’ll even be figuring out what will happen if your partner invites you to their crib.

Before the pandemic hit, more than 34% of Americans were involved in sex before going out. With the rise of online dating due to the current pandemic, this isn’t the case anymore. You’ll probably have a sexy banter during your online video call session, but real sex is definitely off the table. Money is undeniably out of the question too. 


On normal first meetings, singles always negotiate whether they should meet at an expensive bar or cheap café. Before meeting up, some would negotiate whether to split the bill and who should pay. With the advent of the coronavirus and rise in online dating, such negotiations are a thing of the past.

The Perfect Opportunity for Catch-Up

Before the rise of the pandemic, many people across the nation lived a busy life. This means that they never had much time to consider online dating to get to know each other. With the restriction on movements and stay at home orders in some states, people embrace online dating more than ever. This has provided an excellent opportunity for lovers to connect online more frequently. Even with the opportunity for catch-up time, it can still be a source of anxiety for those getting to know each other.

If your partner knows that you are not needed anywhere, what prevents you from getting stuck in an endless online dating video call? This is one of the concerns associated with online dating via video calls. Some people are even concerned about the lighting in their apartment being unflattering. Still, they may think that they’re better in person than carrying on online dating.


If you are anxious about how you look during your online dating, it’s important to remember that you are your own worst critic. The person on the opposite screen isn’t primarily focusing on your flaws, even if your least favorite facial feature is what you are focusing on. Understand that while it may be tempting to watch yourself in your interactions, it’s best always to keep your attention to the other person.

A Different Bonding Experience

How partners plan their meetings has transformed significantly since the rise of coronavirus, the same case applies to the different ways of maintaining momentum and building bonds. For online dating to marriage type of relationship, lovers are exploring more interesting online dating options than just FaceTime chatting.

One of the ways you can connect with your significant other in your online dating life is to have new or different experiences. Try finding a game that you can both play online. You can even consider listening to a podcast or movie then discuss it later. By creating different online dating experiences, you can explore various aspects of your partners’ life, which will help keep your interaction engaging but interesting.


The Need for Attachment 

One of the online dating payoffs from the current lockdown is that it has extended the “get to know you” process. If you keep asking yourself these mind-boggling questions, “can online dating be dangerous” and “what can you do when online dating goes wrong”? Understand that not taking a relationship slow can be a source of conflict. You need to know the person you are involved with to gauge whether you are both compatible.

In the past, marriage was considered the beginning of a relationship, but it’s the finale in today’s online dating world. Most people don’t marry when they are young, and now that quarantine is with us, it has continued the “slow love” trend. The bottom line is that romantic love can be easily triggered, while the feelings for deep attachment take time to develop. Everybody is built for slow love, and the coronavirus pandemic is drawing this courtship process.

Learn the Opportunities and Risks That Come with Online Dating!

You are probably asking yourself why online dating is good. This definitive guide should have provided you with the information on navigating virtual dating amid the current pandemic. One thing you don’t need to forget is that the pandemic is forcing singles to return to the more traditional wooing. It’s this emerging and rediscovered mode of dating that helps them take time to select the right partner.


Are you lonely and searching for a partner you can share your heart in the current pandemic? While on the search for your ideal partner, you should keep in mind that there are opportunities and risks to online dating. If you love this article or want to share your thoughts, please leave a comment or suggestion below.

 Author’s bio:  

Miranda Davis is a freelance writer in the relation and psychology area. Miranda is interested in such topics as building healthy relationships between people, love/sex compatibility, and how to find the right balance in life in general. She is currently doing specific research on the topic. Miranda loves cooking and long-distance walking.



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