
World Bicycle Day 2021: Is It Safe to Wear a Face Mask While Cycling? Precautions You Must Take to Prevent Shortness of Breath

Cycling (Photo Credits: Pixabay)

The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention recommends every individual to wear cloth masks in public spaces to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. As a thumb rule, you must use a mask whenever you step out of your house, and cycling is no exception. Wearing a face mask while riding a bicycle is especially crucial if you live in a densely populated area. However, not long ago, a Chinese man suffered shortness of breath after a jog with a mask. Following this incidence, doctors have advised against wearing a face mask while jogging or running. But can using a face mask have consequences even while cycling? Read on to know.

Is It Necessary to Wear a Face Mask While Cycling?

If you are biking in a crowded neighbourhood, you must keep at least six-foot distance between you and others. Stay home if you feel unwell as breathing harder during exercise, may release more virus into the air spreading the infection. If you are cycling in a more rural area with a few people around, it may be safe to ride without covering your face. However, always keep your mask handy for instances when you have to cross paths with someone. Should You Make Toddlers and Babies Wear Face Masks during COVID-19 Pandemic? Here’s How to Keep Infants Safe from Coronavirus Outside Home.

Are There Any Side Effects of Using a Face Cover While Cycling?

Although you can cycle with a mask on, it can feel constricting. Wearing any protective mask decreases the flow of air into your lungs, which equates less blood flow to your bloodstream, muscles and lungs. You may not be able to perform with the same energy as you would without a mask. Therefore, pay attention to how you’re feeling and stop biking if you feel severely short of breath, dizzy or lightheaded. How to Make No-Sew Face Mask Using a Sock? Woman on TikTok Goes Viral for Step-by-Step DIY Tutorial (Watch Video).

What Precautionary Measures Should One Take?

If you have not exercised in a long time, you must take extra precautions while wearing a mask. Check with your doctor about the safety of working out with a mask on if you have a heart or lung condition. When selecting a face mask, choose the most comfortable material. Different kinds of face masks have varying levels of airflow restriction, depending on the thickness of the material. How to Avoid Your Eye Glasses From Fogging When Wearing a Face Mask? Tips to Prevent Pesky Condensation on The Lenses.

That said, the more comfortable coverings may not be as protective, which is why it’s so important to be vigilant about maintaining distance. The best idea is to try different types of masks to see what works best.

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