
Beginner’s Guide for Fitness

Exercise is vital for overall health. With regular physical activity, you can immediately experience some positive effects physically, mentally, and emotionally. The thought of exercise is challenging for beginners. It requires discipline and perseverance. The idea seems difficult but once you’ll get the hang of it, it would be a normal part of your daily (or weekly) routine.

Exercise is not only for losing weight. It also has something to do with retaining muscle mass. It also strengthens the immune system, making the person less vulnerable to ailments. It also impacts a person’s mood, alleviates stress, allows sound sleep, and improves sex life. There are many benefits of exercise that we cannot mention all.

As a beginner, you can always choose an exercise that would suit you best. First, we have aerobic exercise. This is the form of exercise that involves uninterrupted motions. Aerobic could be in form of sports, like jogging or swimming. There is also what we call aerobic dancing.

Second, we have calisthenics. Calisthenics is a physical activity that does not necessitate gym paraphernalia. The movements are focused on the large muscle groups. Push-ups are included in the calisthenics, as well as sit-ups and lunges. Third, we have high-intensity exercises. High-intensity exercises include high-intensity interval training, Tabata, running, mountain climbing, and running.

There are other exercises geared toward balance and flexibility (like Pilates and Yoga).

To get started, there are things to take into consideration.

  1. Consult your doctor before pursuing any workout or exercise. You might have any underlying conditions that might be the determining factor for what kind of exercise you can and cannot do and the duration of the fitness routine. For example, if you have cardiovascular disease, then high-impact exercise will not be recommended to you. Or if you have bone or muscle conditions that make you vulnerable to injury, and then there are specific routines that the doctor can recommend.
  1. Establish attainable and specific objectives. Start with basic and low impact exercises, and then gradually progress. Begin with a one-kilometer walk. Then in the next weeks, if you already practiced your breathing, jog for a kilometer until you can do runs. Set your goal for that particular week. Do not set something overly ambitious.
  1. Be consistent. The key to making exercise a regular part of your routine is to be consistent because the moment you stop, one day of stopping will turn to two days of stopping, and so on until you go back to zero and struggle to start your exercise routine again. To do this, schedule a time in a day with specific minutes or duration that you know you are available to do the exercise. This entails sacrifice because you need to allow time for this. If you decide to do it early morning before work, then sacrifice waking up early. If you prefer to do it right after a week, then do away with those other things you usually do after work. Choose the best time for you. Individuals must exercise for 150 minutes at least a week.
  1. Drink more fluids to keep you hydrated after exercise. Avoid sodas as much as possible.
  1. Consume healthy and balanced meals.
  1. Do some stretching or warm-up before any exercise to prevent injuries and inflammation after the workout.
  1. Do not overdo your exercise. Exercise according to your ability and do not supersede your limits.
  1. There is also another way that is a bit faster if you want to have that dream body sculpted in no time. Nowadays, bodybuilders drink or take supplements that give immediate and promising results. One of the products that are making the airwaves is the Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM). SARMs are pills that assist in muscle-building, improving athletic performance and fat lost that are safer than steroids. This is just optional, but if you want faster results, then you can resort to SARMs. For more information about Sarms, visit

For starters, you can do this sample uncomplicated exercise routine for a week

MONDAY: Brisk walking for 30 minutes.

TUESDAY: Brisk walking for 40 minutes.


THURSDAY: Brisk walking for 10 minutes. After that, do three sets of ten pullups, ten curl-ups, and ten lunges per leg.

FRIDAY: Jogging for 1 kilometer.


SUNDAY: Zumba for 30 minutes

Atul Chaudhary

In the past 3 years, Atul has made his mark across numerous news platforms, showcasing his prolific content creation skills. His dedication to writing is evident through his extensive body of work, contributing valuable insights across various topics.

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