
CM Siddaramaiah urges SCA to name stands in Chinnaswamy stadium after Karnataka stalwarts

Bengaluru: Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has urged the State Cricket Association (KSCA) to name stands at Chinnaswamy stadium after cricketers G.R. Vishwanath, E.A.S. Prasanna, and B.S. Chandrasekhar. In a letter to KSCA President, CM Siddaramaiah highlighted the importance of honoring the state’s cricket legends for inspiring future players.

CM Siddaramaiah emphasized the need for recognizing the contribution of these cricketers by naming stands after them at Chinnaswamy stadium in Bengaluru. He pointed out the tradition in other cities where main cricket stadiums have stands named after renowned players, which serves as a source of motivation for the budding talents in the sport.

The suggestion to name the stands after G.R. Vishwanath, E.A.S. Prasanna, and B.S. Chandrasekhar was made after historian Ramachandra Guha urged the Chief Minister to take this step. Guha emphasized the exemplary performance and conduct of these cricketers on and off the field, promoting the spirit of the game in a noble manner.

This move by CM Siddaramaiah reflects the recognition of the significant contribution of these cricket legends in the state. By honoring them with named stands at Chinnaswamy stadium, the Chief Minister aims to inspire and encourage the upcoming cricketers in Karnataka, keeping their legacy alive in the hearts of the people.


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