To commemorate the sacrifices and sufferings of the Karbala victims, Muharram is observed. The moon’s appearance marks the beginning of the period of Muharram. As significant as all other Islamic holidays and celebrations are in this period. Muharram, which ushers in the new Islamic calendar, is one of the most sacred and holy months in Islam following Ramadan. Conflict is prohibited during this festival and other holy months listed in the Quran, including al-Qi’dah, Rajab, and Dhu al-Hijjah. Muharram is one of the significant months for Muslims since it heralds the beginning of the new year for Islam.
Latina, a practice among Shia Muslims that is also practiced by many others, and chest-beating are common among this group. Sunni Muslims honor Prophet Moses on the occasion of Ashura, but they abstain from the rite. It is usual for Muslims to recite Ziarat Ashura, the literature that gives details about Karbala martyrs, on the occasion of Ashura.
Muslims celebrate the new year by attending the mosque, saying prayers to Allah for wealth, and enjoying time with their loved ones and acquaintances. They prepare something sweet to end their fast and enjoy it with friends and loved ones. Instead of being a time for a celebration like other Islamic holidays, Muharram is a time for prayer and grief. There are no signs of festivity everywhere. In actuality, Shia Muslims place a great deal of emphasis on this period.
Imam Hussain, Hazrat Ali’s son, and the Prophet’s great-grandson died in the war of Karbala on the tenth day of Muharram. This happened in the year 680. Thus, Ashura is the name given to commemorate this day. Therefore, for the first ten initial days of this sacred month, Shia Muslims mark the passing of Imam Hussain.
Hey, greet your loved ones a very happy Muharram using these best arabic quotes, wishes, greetings, dua, messages, images, and pics.
Arabic Quotes, Greetings, Dua, Messages, Images, Pics To Share on Muharram 2022
Allah be pleased to bestow upon you the blessings of love, bravery, intelligence, contentment, health, patience, and cleanliness. Happy Muharram to you.

On this first day of Muharram, one of the four holy months of the year according to the Islamic calendar, may Allah bless you.

Although Allah is one, he is present everywhere. Simply feel it! Wishing you and everyone else a very happy Muharram.

Marking the day of Ashura, we have got a bent to spotlight some quotes of data by Mohammedan Al-Hussain.