Web Series

All About The New Netflix Original Series, “Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies & Scandal”

Adulterous activity isn’t as rare as they are made out to be. It’s not just when it comes to relationships, but also in marriages. Even after taking vows, people do choose the adulterous path to have some fun and thrill in their lives, which is not as cool as they seem to be.

What’s “Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies & Scandal” All About

So, in 2002, a Canadian website launched an app that was mostly to elevate the number of affairs in relationships. The tagline for the app was, “Life is Short. Have an Affair.” Millions of people signed up for it; they chatted, texted, called, met up, and more.

So, when the app was hacked, the secrets of millions of people were out online, leading to home breaks. The name of the app was Ashley Madison, and when the hacking was done, names, emails, and messages were released that were linked.

“When a dating site for people seeking adulterous affairs is hacked, millions of users’ intimate data is exposed, wrecking marriages and destroying lives,” is what the series is all about int the official website.

The director, Toby Paton, mentioned the main reason he wanted to film and produce the series was that adulterous affairs can be home-wrecking. But so many people signed up for the same, suggesting that affairs and extra-marital are very common.

“We all know infidelity can be incredibly destructive and hurtful, but at the same time, the fact that Ashley Madison had 37 million members tells us something else we all know — that committing to one person for the rest of your life is hard. Rather than berating people who joined Ashley Madison, we were much more interested in exploring why they were drawn to the site. What were they looking for? What was going on in their relationships? And, crucially: What was their partner’s side of the story?” says Toby while asked about the thought process behind the making of the series.

Thus, to send out a warning and wake-up call, the series has been produced, which is based on real stories.

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Shreshtha Banerjee

Shreshtha Banerjee: With 3 years in writing and collaborations with 5+ news platforms, Shreshtha, a BA in English graduate, is a trusted name. She masterfully covers Entertainment, Health, and Viral Events, showcasing expertise that resonates with a wide and discerning audience.

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