
US Constitution Day 2021 History, Significance, Activities and More

Every Year, the United States of America celebrates its Constitution Day on September 17 since 1952. Before 2004, the day was known as National Citizenship Day. In the US, the celebration of US Constitution formation marks for a whole week, known as “Constitution Week”. Constitution week starts from 17 September and ends on 23 September. Let us tell you more deeply about US Constitution Day, its History, Significance, Activities and More.

US Constitution History

The Constitution was established and applied in the country on September 17, 1787. US Constitution is written in 4,400 Words, which is the shortest and oldest constitution in the world. It took one hundred days to actually “frame” the Constitution.

US Constitution Day Significance

After Dwight D. Eisenhower signed it, the “I am an American Day” observation became “Citizenship Day” and moved to September 17. Louisville, Ohio was the first city in the United States to celebrate Citizenship Day on September 17, 1952.

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Celebrate Constitution Day through activities, learning, parades and demonstrations of our Love for the United States of America and the Blessings of Freedom Our Founding Fathers secured for us.

  • Write your own constitution
  • Look at preambles from around the world
  • Study the Iroquois Constitution
  • Watch the crash course on US Constitution
  • Watch Hip Hughes explain the Bill of Rights
  • Propose a new Constitutional amendant

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