
Can wrist tattoos cause nerve damage?

No, cases of wrist tattoos causing nerve damage are extremely rare. But wrist tattoos are quite painful. It is the most sensitive part of your body because the skin is quite thin compared to other body parts. 

As everyone knows tattoos are painful and hurt a lot. It also depends on the place of your body where you are getting one. There are parts of your body where the skin tissue is soft, and thin and has many nerve ending like the wrist, neck, face, shinbones, and ankle. Thin skin tissue makes the tattoo needle reach very close to the nerves thus making it more painful. 

Let me break it down for you, nerves are responsible for the impulses that travel to the brain in order to function your body properly. Because of your nerves, your body reacts differently to your temperature, pain, rain or say mood. Whenever your nerve gets damaged, you lose your sense of movement. However such cases of tattoo injury are extremely rare. 

Are wrist tattoos bad?

No, wrist tattoos are not bad at all. One of the intriguing body parts is where you can be creative when it comes to tattoos. Of course, the pain would be nerve-wracking, as it contains a lot of soft tissue and nerves making it sensitive to tattoo needles. 

Can wrist tattoos cause nerve damage?
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Do inner wrist tattoos hurt?

Any kind of tattoo hurts plus if it is somewhere on your body part that has thin skin tissue then it will hurt even more. Based on the people who have gotten wrist tattoo states it is pretty high when it comes to pain. Somewhere 5 out of 10 states it is the holy shit level of pain. But above all, pain is subjective and tends to depend on your emotion, personality and how much you can handle it. 

Also Read: – Are Hand Tattoos Bad for Your Job? 

On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad does a wrist tattoo hurt?

As mentioned above, those who have wrist tattoos rate pain at 7 or 8 on a scale of 1 to 10. Although, the pain usually depends on a person’s emotions, and gender too. If you are sensitive then these things would be extremely painful to you. If you are strong enough to bear the pain then you can easily get away with wrist tattoos. Make sure you consult a tattoo artist before getting one. 

On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad does a wrist tattoo hurt?

How does the pain last after you get a tattoo?

As long as the process of tattooing ends. Plus, it also depends on what the artist is doing like going back and forth on the same spot or using a single needle to draw. Once the artist is done then it mostly takes 2-3 weeks for the skin to heal. If the pain continues then you might be suffering from an infection or allergy.

Priyadarshi Shastri

Priyadarshi Shastri, a seasoned writer with 5 years of experience, holds a degree in PR from Amity University. An authoritative voice in Entertainment, Lifestyle, and Trending News, his trustworthy insights captivate audiences worldwide.

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